Chapter 9

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I woke up, my eyes stuck together from sleep and tears. That's when my stomach dropped. I sucked in a breath and went carefully downstairs. 

When I got downstairs, a happy face smiled at me. I stepped closer and found it was Ethan. "Ready for today?" He asked. I stayed quiet. I moved my head to my shoes and that's where I looked, I didn't want to look up, I didn't want to talk, I just wanted to go.

"Let's get some breakfast and then we can go to the office." Ethan said. 


The drive was horrifying. Every five minutes I felt sick and I couldn't take my mind of what I thought Alex was going to do. When we got there, I froze. 

It felt like I was having a panic attack, I tried to move but I couldn't. It will be fine. I told myself, knowing it wouldn't. 

But it worked, I got out of the car and stepped into the hospital. Ethan must have seen how scared I was because he rested one hand on my shoulder.

"it'll be fine Kiddo, Alex and I will be there." He seemed to not notice how I was scared of him and Alex. 

 I walked into an empty room with Ethan on my heels. I tried to keep my tears in my eyes, but one slipped down before I could stop it, I buried my face in my hands to hide it. I heard the door creak open and whipped the tears from my face. It was Alex. 

He kneeled down to me and smiled. "Like I said yesterday," He started. "we're gonna do it slowly." I got onto the table and looked at the ground. 

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