Chapter 13

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We got home at nine tonight and I went up to my room. I saw my phone turned upside down on the table, and I flipped it over. 

It was my mom. 

Are you okay?

Was it true you ran away from the hospital?

I heard you fainted?

Alex told me about what happened at Whataburger, is my little baby okay?

I miss you, sweetie, I'll be home before you know it. 

I answered simply with one word.



I put my phone back on the table flipped upside down and sat on y bed. I stared at the ground before Alex came up. "Hey," he started, "you were really brave today." He was hiding something behind his back and my heart thumped. I knew he said I was almost done but was he really wanting to finish it now? Probably not, I convinced myself.

He pulled something out behind his back, what he pulled out was books, three of them. Inferni by Amber, Distant Skies by Brook, and The Evil Goddess Mission by Kyoka. I smiled. 

"Your mom told me you like to read."

"I do," was all I said, I looked at the covers of the book. 

"They're really good, my favorite books, actually," Alex said, sitting down on the bed. "And I thought you deserved them." After a long silence that hung in the air, Alex did something that surprised me. 

A kiss was planted on my forehead and when I looked up I saw him smiling. "Good night Evan, get some sleep, you can bring those books to the office tomorrow." I set the books on the nightstand and looked at one tet on my phone. It was from my mom.

Becuase I love you, 


HI!!!! So if you didn't notice, I added the names of stories that belong here on Wattpad, if you don't mind, go check them out, The authors are really amazing and their writing is awesome.

See you soon!


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