A Girl

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Transexual!Frisk x Sans

I'm starting a bit light with Frisk. Most of you aren't open to the idea of Frisk being male. So Frisk is female, but thinks of herself as male in this one.

"You're a pervert!"

Frisk bit his lip nervously, "I'm really not!"

"Oh, then why go to the girl's locker room if you're a guy?" the bully scoffed, "So much for 'innocent Frisk', huh?"

"But... The school won't let me change in the boy's locker room..." Frisk tried to explain.

"Then why not?"

"They... said I should change in the girl's locker room." he explained.

"Isn't that hilarious, you're lying just to prove you're innocent." the bully snickered as a crowd startend to form around them by the gate of the college.

"I-I'm not lying!" he denied.

"Prove it, then."

Just then Sans came to pick his boyfriend up.


After Frisk's shout tears poured out of his eyes, "But I promise I'm a boy. I am."

"Gross, Frisk is transexual."

The crowd agreed with the bully's words, making Frisk cry even more and ran away not noticing Sans standing there.

Sans watched in shock as his boyfriend's words sunk in. He then turned to the crowd with dark eyes.

"You got a problem with Frisk, buddy?" he asked menacingly.

The bully laughed even when the crowd slowly backed away from Sans who was stepping closer. "What are you going to do? Cover me in rainbows, you homosexual monster?"

"BURN IN HELL." with only those words the bully was flicked towards the gate bending the metal.

Sans then teleported to every place he thinks Frisk could be.

He found her by the fields on a patch of buttercups.

"Frisk..." he whispered and approached.

"I'm so sorry, Sans... You deserve someone better than me..." Frisk said.

"Don't say that... You're the best I could ever have..." Sans said and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend.

"But I'm not a real boy..." Frisk sobbed. (A/N: Pinochio! jk)

"I don't need a real boy, I only need you..."

Frisk cried into Sans' chest.

That's all for now. I really just wanted to start light to ease the stories to people.

So I've been thinking of getting requests. Typically, AUs would have the same gender as the original one. For example, in Reapertale Frisk was a girl so I wrote her as one. Although Flowerfell referred to Frisk as genderneutral, I thought you guys would like it best with Frisk as a girl.

I'll try my best to write your requests! The ones I'm not very interested in would be out later than the others though...

Sans x Frisk Short StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now