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Requested by @CuteCupcakerules
Technically, this is like the other version of Reapertale (Not the version I wrote) and Underswap altogether. And there hasn't been an actual story for it yet (I think... I didn't see a story), just the picture of the characters and their descriptions. So, I'm just gonna make things up XD

Frisk glared at the bright green healthy grass where she saw her sister sitting.

The Goddes of Harmony was just sulking in the sun, but her white skin stayed untanned.

Frisk glared harder as she thought more of how perfect her sister was.

Stomping, she turned around and walked away.

Walking along the forest her family lives near, she remembered how she hated it. How she still hates it.

It's always bright and sunny there, and it made her grumpy.

A dark one lurched behind her and she stopped, sensing his presence.

She summoned her powers to control some vines.

She turned around, tied him up and pulled him off of the ground.

She came face to face with a reaper. One of the reapers.

It was the brother of the reaper she loathed.

His dark blue scarf and gloves went perfectly with his flowing black suite and cloak. His blue irises stared at her in wonder as he hanged upside-down.

Her glowing yellow eye looked at him, yet he did not flinch.

"Hello there!" the skeleton reaper greeted. (I'm not going to put him in all caps because it's too tiring)

The Goddess of chaos stared at him in disbelief. No one, I mean no one, talks that way to the Goddess of Chaos.

"Why, you look wonderful today! That black dress compliments the yellow in your eye!"

Frisk froze at the compliment. Who in their right mind would compliment her of all people?

"I'd cut your throat to shut you up, but looks like you don't have any." Frisk glared harder.

The reaper flushed and stuttered.

Another dark presence stood behind Frisk and from the slight orange glow, she already knew who it was.

She jumped back just before his pscythe hit her.

"Hey, brat." the other reaper greeted.

Frisk nodded in greeting, "Papyrus."

"Brother! Nice to see you!" the skeleton greeted Papyrus.

Papyrus sighed, slouching his shoulders "Look, I'm not here for any trouble. And as fun as it is to fight you, I'd rather be my brother in safety. So just let go of my brother and we'll be out of your hair."

Frisk narrowed her eyes and stared at the two.

With a snap, Sans fell to the ground head-first.

"Scram before I do something I won't regret."

"Thanks, brat." Papyrus said and gestured for his brother to follow.

Sans smiled at her and kissed the back of her hand, "It was nice meeting you, Goddess of Chaos!" before teleporting away with his brother.

Frisk's face burned yellow.

"Frisk? Sister?" Chara approaxhed Frisk who desperately tried to cover her blushing face.

"Are you... blushing?!?" Chara let out an excited squeal.

Frisk groaned in annoyance.

This is kinda how I pictured they'd meet.

Sans would immediately be smitten to her while she goes all tsundere.

And... there's a new Wattpad update...
Okay, I'm never getting used to anything if they keep changing it.

Sans x Frisk Short StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now