He winced in slight pain, "Sure love you too." He laughed.

When my Nike shoes touched the sand, the sand were all over my shoes and it went inside too. I blamed Joel for not telling me where we were going to eat our dinner, I could've wore flip-flops instead. I was so uncomfortable walking in my Nike shoes because of the sand.

"Joel stop! I need a favor." I said.

He sighed, "What now.? Did you decide what to eat already? We didn't even reach the stalls yet sweetheart." He said.

I blew hot air to my side bangs, "Give me a piggyback because these sands are in my shoes, it's uncomfortable for me to walk buddy. Help out your sister here." I said.

He sighed heavily at me, "Just take off your shoes, you'll be fine. Don't act like such a princess." He simply said and that made me left hanging. Unbelievable, he was a jerk for not helping me out. He wasn't like this before, usually he did everything that I wanted him to do but he changed ever since he made friends from college.

He wasn't finish talking when I thought he was, "Oh or Chris can give you a piggyback. Can you help out a friend here?" He asked Christopher and I eyed him not to do that but he didn't care. I gulped, I was so nervous and I knew why Joel did this to me because he was trying to be my wingman which I never asked him to.

Christopher nodded and smiled at me, he was agreeing with what Joel asked him to do. He signaled me to get on his back and he was bending down so it was easier for me to get on his back.

I gulped nervously, "I don't wanna ride on you." I said and it was loud enough for me and the boys to hear. My words sounded so wrong that they laughed at me. Christopher giggled then he turned around to pet my head.

"I mean I don't need you to give me a piggyback because I'm kind of heavy." I stuttered.

He crossed his arms, "Come on, I'm a Nike fan too and I don't want that shoes looking messy. I'm wearing slippers and you're not and for your information I don't care that you're heavy because I'm not trying to be cringy but I am a guy. Your weight means nothing to me beside you are thin." He said.

I bit my lower lip, I got on his back and wrapped my little arms around his neck while he was giving me a piggyback. We were looking for something to eat and I was reading the menus after that I told Joel what to buy for me. I got myself fish and chips and a glass of orange juice.

After all the guys got their food, we headed to an empty spot at the beach and sat down. I sat next to Christopher, "Thanks for carrying me." I said.

He smiled, "No problemo, don't want to spoil a little princess's mood for dinner." He said.

That made me blushed like a mad woman, did he just call me princess?

We were enjoying our dinner and Joel was making a few jokes and stuff to entertain us. We played guessing game and I think it was fun hanging out Juan and his friends because they were all comedians.

"Okay so now I want a boy and a girl to come out here and do a reenactment of Titanic scene." Joel said.

My eyes widened and I stopped smiling, "What?" I asked.

Joel sneakily smirked at me, "I choose Christopher for the guy and for the girl.. well let's see.. there's no other girl around our circle so Valerie it is." He said.

Joel was giving me multiple heart attacks.

Christopher nodded and we both stood up, the game was stupid and I thought it was a guessing game but why were doing an reenactment of a freaking scene from Titanic the movie? Joel was doing it on purpose.

Christopher pulled me closer in front of them then he whispered, "Let's give our fans a bit of fun."

I gulped because his deep voice went straight down my spine sending me electric shock. I didn't know what he meant by fun but I was just standing in front of the boys not knowing what to do. I was clueless and nervous at the same time.

Suddenly, I felt two pairs of strong arms wrapped around my waist line and a cold breath on my neck. The boys were shouting and cheering for us like a bunch of crazy monkeys. My eyes widened when I look at my and made eye contact with Christopher. He was so handsome and dreamy, his smile was everything. I was enjoying my view because he was so attractive to me.

I smiled and so did he then the guys sang the titanic song in a teasing way. Me and Christopher couldn't help but to laugh out loud because of their out of tune voices. They sounded hilarious especially Erick, he was singing at the top of his lungs but still sounded bad.

"You guys suck." I said.

Joel scoffed, "Just say you enjoyed it and you're welcome." He laughed. He and Christopher did the fist bump thing before we sat back down on the sand and I raised a brow, I was questioning did they plan this out to tease me? Anyways, I didn't care about that.

"See my boy Christopher enjoyed doing the titanic scene with you. we don't suck after all. Do we?" He said and emphasized the word WE like a CNN highlight news of the day. Juan was always so over the top.

We hung out almost till three am then Joel sent me home.

Before I got out from the car, Christopher stepped out first then we bid goodbye to each other. He smiled, "Hey uhmm, it was nice having dinner with you and like hanging out with you." He said.

I nodded, "You too and thanks for everything."

We were staring at each other and we didn't even realized it was more than thirty seconds until we heard Joel's annoying voice calling our names, that startled us.

"Ermm? Are you two love birds done yet because me, Erick and Zabdiel will go get coffee and then come back here to pick Christopher up after you two done with the whole staring looking into each other's eyes thing." He said.

I awkwardly faked a cough, "Goodnight you guys and take care."

"You too Val!" The boys said.

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