Hey beautiful

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So I have come to the conclusion that, like myself, some of my female friends do not view themselves highly... or at times, they will put themselves down. Everything from calling themselves fat, to ugly.. stupid and pathetic... even undeserving of things or the people around them. And I really am not one who can judge them... I mean, heck.. I am no different. I do not view myself highly neither. But, that does not change the message I have to every girl out there....


And you know what, it's not just females that are insecure on how they may look (inside or out)... I know of guys that are as well.

I found a picture recently (excluding the one to the side) which.. made me smile. Because on it, it listed every possibly thing I think you can compliment someone on. "You are enchanting. You are wonderful. You are undefeatable. You are precious. You are cool. You are extraordinary. You are gorgeous. You are pretty. You are stunning. You are dashing. You are smart. You are mind-blowing. You are dazzling. You are great. You are unique. You are special. You are unforgettable. You are cute. You are funny. You are cute. You are awesome. You are lovely. You are couragaeous. You are bright. You are brave. You are splendid. You are brilliant. You are amazing. You are talented. You are fabulous. You are fearless. You are irrestible. You are strong. You are sweet. You are important. You are perfect. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL."

So I dare everyone... guy and girl alike... to go look into a mirror at themselves, and I mean really look at themselves. Look past your appearance, your insecurities, past everything YOU think is wrong. And for a minute, stop and think: Why am I called beautiful? And then think of what everyone has complimented you on... Maybe someone thinks you have pretty eyes, or loves the way you giggle.. maybe someone loves how your hair curls around your face, or how you seem to cordinate your clothing so well. And even better, maybe someone likes you for your personality.... they think you are sweet and endearing, caring to the core.. and maybe, just maybe, someone just loves you enough to look past all your faults and say "You are beautiful."

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