Save It For The Living (To Kai)

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Don't take these lyrics the wrong way, f me... like that ain't what I want.
Numerous times you shared some you felt fit how you were feeling. And all the time I wanted one song to express how I felt. And now, with how numb and emotionless I want to feel given all the bs I'm going through.. well, I found it. 
And no, I'm not trying to get you back. Maybe as a friend, like a true best friend. Someone to run to when the other is struggling. But that's about it. I don't want nothing else, neither of us have time for that. You have her, and as much as I use to hate her guts for taking you before... she makes you happy. I always saw this happening. 
So maybe that's why when I heard the news, I wasn't that upset. I've tried to associate myself with you both. I knew she'd win your heart in the end, fully hold it in her hands. So I'm happy for you, I truly am. I see the happiness she brings you, and that in turn makes me happy. 

All I'm asking, I guess, is to not forget. Don't forget that I am here if you need me, or just wanna talk and catch up. But don't dwell on the past. I want you to move on, experience life properly. I want you to have a life that is actually enjoyable, not spent constantly dwelling on the past- not only between us, but bs with your family, and the decision to join this bs military. 

And Jess, I've a request even for you: don't go breakin' his heart. Cherish him. He's a great guy, you're lucky to have him. 


I see me in my final bed
All dressed up, I guess I'm dead
All of the pain gone
Think I'm a ghost now
I hear your thoughts, I bid farewell
I see you cry, I feel like hell
I want you to be strong
Let the show go on

Don't sacrifice the rest of your life missing me

Wish I could see you happy
Get on with your life without me
Think of me as something beautiful
Not the bitter end

I'm the reason why you feel your life is broken
So hear me (please hear me)
I don't want your love
Save it for the living

What goes around will come around
Cause you don't wanna let it go
I hear you calling
Wish I could take it
Why are your mind next to my grave
Like I'm the one you need to save
Look at yourself now
Why do you feel proud?

Don't sacrifice the rest of your life missing me

Wish I could see you happy
Get on with your life without me
Think of me as something beautiful
Not the bitter end

I'm the reason why you feel your life is broken
So hear me (please hear me)
I don't want your love
Save it for the living

You save it for the living

I want you to fill the emptiness inside while you're alive
I want you to find someone to take my place
I want you to...
Save it for the living
You save it for the living
Save it for the living
See you on the other side
See you on the other side

Wish I could see you happy
Get on with your life without me
Think of me as something beautiful
Not the bitter end

I'm the reason why you feel your life is broken
So hear me (please hear me)
I don't want your love
Save it for the living

(So hear me, so hear me)
You save it for the living
(So hear me, so hear me)
Save it for the living  

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