After The Storm Blows Through: Maddie & Tae

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Sometimes I just wish I could forget.... Like everyone else seems so good at doing. So I don't wake up like this morning, trying my hardest not to wake the one beside me.... So I'm not turning on music & thinking listening to a song is gonna help... But instead only makes me cry more than before.

I fucked up...big time. I will always remember that. And god there are days I wish I could take it all back.... Maybe even go as back as to never have met those two so I wouldn't ever hurt them.... Is that selfish? Probably. But what else is there to feel...? One refuses to speak to me, choosing a guy over me despite my attempts.... to prove differently, to prove this song holds true. And the giving me a chance, but I'm scared to take it. It's right there.... But I feel like if I touch it, it'll shatter.

I miss them... Both of them. But things aren't gonna get better anytime soon, I can see that... I can feel it. Maybe that's why that dream hurt so much...seeing my little sister laugh at me and rub it in my face that I would never be apart of her life again. Because secretly apart of me knows it's true.... Maybe that's why it feels like my heart just got ripped from my chest. And it hurts to breath...

But that doesn't matter. I'll still take on the pain, still keep my distance and watch over them both... Whatever needs to be done to prove I care, and always will.
You've been walking around with a dark cloud
Hanging over every step you take
Like the slightest breeze will knock you to your knees
Doing your best not to break
Wish I had the words to tell ya, but I got an umbrella
And I think it's big enough, for the both of us

I'll face that wind by your side
Even take on that rain, I don't mind,
Or give you space or give you time,
If you need me to,
But I'll be here for you
After the storm blows through

You know, you and me, we've been thick as thieves
You get cut I feel the pain
We're stuck together, no matter what the weather
And that ain't gonna change
I don't know how long the hurt'll hold on
Or when the sun will shine again
So until then...

I'll face that wind by your side
Even take on that rain, I don't mind,
Or give you space or give you time,
If you need me to,
But I'll be here for you
After the storm blows through
And your skies are blue again
And you're back to you again, my friend

I'll face that wind by your side
Even take on that rain, I don't mind,
Or give you space or give you time,
If you need me to,
But I'll be here for you
After the storm blows through

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