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About My Room:

-It is... relatively small, but also big. I think I just felt it was small because I grew up spending most of my 18 years sharing a room with my younger brother (From 5-15).

-I had actually planned out how I wanted my room set-up. Like.. I still have the lay-out drawing and everything... I wanted it so specific. Because at night, I like looking out the window at the stars.... especially when I'm sick and can't actually step outside.

-Currently the majority of my stuff has been packed away into boxes... big boxes... And each box is labeled so I know what's in it. And it's all organized. Like... all my stuff animals are together, my books are with my movies... my art stuff... And of course, my manga and anime had to have its own special book (& my pokemon stuff animals are in there as well..)

-My bedding, the one currently on my bed, is actually from my friend Sierra... they moved and the bedding was brand-new, only used once. And it was also the last bedding that had been on her bed when I slept over... so it was kind of one of those "Don't forget me" things.

-Generally my floor was a mess... and by mess, I mean you could not see the floor cause it was covered in notebooks and binders and drawings... and majority of the time it was because I was organizing my stuff and then just randomly stopped for whatever reason and never got back around to it.

-I had a lovely little open book area. Had four shelves, and each shelf (save the top two) was covered in books... mainly horror and suspense and supernatural. Dean Knootz, Stephen King... and other lovely authors. That random top two shelves were just like.. storage area. I had my childhood christmas books on the top area. The shelf just under it had my tea-set, a picture of my grandfather & a small box that held a jar with some of his ashes in it...

-In my closet was for the longest time my ROTC uniform, and right above it was a picture of my mother in her graduation gown... that was my motivation through Senior Year. Her picture, and my uniform.

-Above my bed was a shelf that held my anime and manga and pokemon stuff-animals... and a single porcelain doll (she was my favorite from the many I had)

-My dresser was like a storage area... It held my t.v., but also a little container that held my make-up, and perfume... and also, I had an outfit set out for school or for the following day on it. Always. That and my notebook that held the newest story I was writing.

-When I was actually sleeping in my room.. I always had a husky build-a-bear on my bed. And a Winnie The Pooh. And then this cute little bear. They always had a special place in my heart...The Husky I built with Sierra in 4th grade, for her birthday... named him Cody and got one of the mini huskies and named her Emma; Cody was her big brother. The Pooh I got from my first long-lasting boyfriend.... granted he is now my ex, he was also one of the few to easily guess I liked Pooh (maybe cause I normally had that song playing-or was watching the show-when he called.) The bear was my favorite... and also the oldest stuff animal I own. My god-mother got her for me and put her in my crib for when I came back from the hospital when I was a baby. I had caught e-coli, and she blammed herself for the longest times cause I also helped her with the cows... so the little bear was like an "I'm sorry" thing...


About My Family:

-My father and mother are 5 years apart. We may argue a lot, but I love my parents....

-I am a middle child. I have an older sister who is 21, and a younger brother who is 14. I do not know my older sister.... all I know is her name is Ashley Marie, we look a lot alike, and she's my dad's first kid. (Seems during the back-away time he met her mother...)

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