Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven 

"Wait, start again, I'm confused as to who you all are besides Adrian, Damien and Jessica," and there is four others that I just can't get right!

"I'm Cameron, the hotter and obviously male version of Jessica!"

"I am going to take an educational guess here and assume you're twins with Cameron being the oldest?" I only guessed that because they both have the same honey-blonde hair with ash-blonde highlights along with the same facial structure with only one difference, and, that is that while Jessica has frosty blue eyes while Cameron has eyes that resemble Lapis Lazuli surrounded by a burgundy rim. That and the fact they bicker like an old married couple.

"How did you-"

Jess is cut off by her twin and she certainly does not look happy about it. In fact, if I was to take a guess, I would say she was having murderous thoughts right about now. "Yes Jai, and, if I may say so myself I am the best twin! Don't let her tell you otherwise! She's evil like that, don't let the innocent act trick you!"

"Ignore them both sister, they are both much more evil than they first appear, trust me when I say you do not want to get on the wrong side of these two, unless of course you have a death wish?"

I suppose I should fill you all in on what has gone on since I woke up until this very moment. I found out that the world is not what it seems and the monsters that aren't supposed to be real actually are most likely there just lurking in the shadows like WereWolves and Vampires, even though we actually have an alliance with the Vampires. Who are we you may ask? Well, the answer to that is actually rather simple, we are Demons. Yes, you heard right, it turns out that all of those times I thought I was different and didn't fit in was my inner-demon surfacing to try to force me to travel home, even though I wasn't aware of it at the time. Oh, and did I mention the fact that I HAVE AN OLDER BROTHER! I mean, I guess I subconsciously knew there was more in the world and now I find out that not only am I a Demon, but a Succubus? So, a sexually orientated demon with an older brother and a father who didn't stop searching but was blocked from finding me by a Witches curse.

"No Damien, I don't have a death with you overprotective fool!"

"Fool eh? So sister, I've heard you're ticklish?"

"No?" But, thanks to my stupidity, it came out more of a question.

"Damien, stop hogging your sister and let the rest of us get to know her! You have her later while we are in classes!"

"Fine Leiah! Just this once though! We have nearly 18 years worth of catching up to do!"

"Hush you! Go and get Uncle Luce! I have a feeling he will want to spend a little time with his daughter before she begins-"

"Yes yes," and, without another word, he left the room. Gee, thanks brother! Leave me with 6 strangers of who I know only 3! Everything was awkward until Jess, who, I am quickly learning is the more annoying and irritating of the two just randomly burst out dancing and dragged me along with her. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't mind dancing when I am on my own but I have never danced in front of strangers before, Hell, I have never danced in front of anybody before unless you count Clarice and Mark, which I don't as they ripped me away from my true family. 

It had to be only minutes until we were all exhausted with the provocative dancing and just slouched down on the blood red leather chaise and I knew that I was going to get to know the others before my father came with my older brother.

Jess began but I couldn't pay attention as I was too busy being engulfed by my memories to notice until she began snapping her manicured fingers in front of my face. "Jai, are you listening?"

"Yes?" Curse my questioning tone of voice! That is twice now in as many times and it's really starting to piss me off to the max! More so than the memories of what I had to go through at the mercy of 7 bullies who targeted me for no reason other than proving one spoiled bitch wrong. 

"What did I say then?"

"Ummmmm, well, urgh, I don't know...."

She was once again interrupted, this time by the male Demon leaning against the corner of the room with his face encased by shadows. "Jessica, leave my cousin alone, she is obviously overwhelmed and needs a simple introduction, not all of this bullshit. A name would suffice as I'm sure Jailean has no memory issues in normal circumstances, am I right cousin?"


Is he talking to me?

Well, I definitely don't see anyone else behind me so he must be.

"Yes, wait! I mean no, no I don't and yes I am feeling a little overwhelmed at the moment, now, who is the lovely lady next to you..." I say, hoping he would catch on that I need his name. 

"Brady," smart Demon!

"I don't need him to introduce me to you m'lady, I am quite capable of doing that myself. I am Leiah and he is my Beloved! We were friends as babies and when you and your father left to travel when you were 4, I lost my best friend and partner in crime! I'm so glad you're back! Now, we can get revenge on your brother for what he did to my hair! He made it white! Of all colours he chose that one!" It's auburn now though?

"What's wrong with white?" I was honestly curious. I don't like it but I don't hate it to the extent I am hearing in her voice. Wait, did she say we were friends?

"It's... pure!"

"Oh, okay then! Who are you?" I ask the last one in the room who is a girl with hair so dark a black it appears blue and eyes that are royal purple.


I was about to say something but, I was, once again interrupted by one of the twins. This time, by Cameron. "Jailean, Adrian said when he found you that you looked like you had been beaten up, care to explain?"

Before I could say anything, the voice that I would recognise anywhere boomed throughout the room but it didn't scare me at all.


Sadistic Succubus **ON HOLD FOR EDITING**Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora