Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Turning around, I do not hesitate to run away as fast as I can, and, considering that I am wearing old, threadbare white converse it is not a very fast pace when compared to that of the 7 athletes currently chasing me. I knew that I was going to get at least one beating today for what I had done, or, well, what I had not done, but I just thought that I would have more time to prepare both my body and mind for that fact. I didn't want to be beaten almost every single day, but, when the person you humiliated is friends with the most popular boys in the school and practically owns the girls and their thoughts, it's sort of hard to go anywhere without having names and disgusted glances thrown my way. Now, it isn't all of them who actually physically harm me, just the ones who are close with Whitney and Wiley, Charelton's hottest and most popular couple and those who certainly do not want to get on their bad side in fear of them turning into their punching bag. 

It's times like this when I wish that I could have had at least one decent friendship before my brain and my large gob had to ruin any chances of that. If only I hadn't been such a smart-ass on the first day, I could have been accepted. Not popular, never popular but at least accepted. There is only 4 other people who receive the same treatment as me but I do not know what they did to deserve it, it's almost as if they all had a reason not to trust and harm these poor souls. There is Claire, Johannah, Jaymee and Jhayne, all girls and all of them beautiful but it seemed that as soon as they all transferred here, people just immediately despised them. I neither liked nor despised them, mainly for the fact that we stay away from one another, they don't help me when I get hurt but I return the favour by not helping them. I know it's horrible, but if I was to interfere in their 'punishment' mine would be twice as bad.

I was knocked out of my thoughts by the dominating voice of Wiley, A-class jackass and bully, otherwise known as my personal version of a torturer. "JAI! Either you stop running right this instant or I swear down on the life of all of my pa- family that what you get will be so much worse when we catch you than it would have been if you had just stopped right now."

I wanted to rebel.

I wanted to just carry on running and go home. 

I wanted to tell him to shove it where the sun doesn't shine. 

I wanted to finally stick up for myself and show them that I was not somebody to be messed with, even if I wasn't exactly the skinniest or the prettiest. 

I just couldn't.

It was against my nature to listen to others but this one time, for some inconceivable reason, I just had to listen to him. Authority laced his every word and I knew that he was used to getting his own way and that he would not be lenient with me if I didn't give in to his every whim and need. It's pathetic really, the power he believes he holds over others, even his so-called friends look scared and do as he tells them despite the consequences when he demands it of them. I wouldn't be surprised if they would give up their girlfriends for him if he wanted them for a quick one-night stand. I honestly wouldn't put it past him.

I stopped. 

I did the one thing that my papa had told me never to do to anyone, no matter who they are or how important they believe themselves to be, he gave me much appreciated advice that I forgot and ignored the moment I gave into his command.

He told me "Jailean, no matter who they are, no matter what hold they have on you, do not let them overpower you. You are much more powerful and important than you believe, you're my little princess, never, and I mean ever, forget that. They may appear to be stronger than you, they may appear to be smarter, they may even appear to be more important, but trust me when I say this, you are a lot more powerful and are important to so many more people than even you can imagine. Never forget that you are my little angel, my little princess," those were some of the last words he ever said to me before he left to go 'home' and to never be seen again. I have analysed and thought over the advice so much, but, not matter how hard, long or intimately I sift through the words, I have never been able to find any sort of hidden meaning.

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