Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

I was laughing as I hobbled home, being extra careful not to put more strain on my back than was necessary. I thought that sticking up for myself would make them give me the tiniest bit of respect but boy was I wrong, if anything, it made them seem to hate me even more than they already did which I didn't believe was humanely possible. I have to say that this beating topped all of the others by far, it brought things to a whole new level, even for people as pathetic as those who prey on the innocent.

I knew that I had at least two broken ribs, I felt them crack when Wiley kicked me with his horrid steel-toe cap Dr. Martins. It hurt like hell. Literally.

It was ironic that the very thing they all seemed to admire in others was the very thing that they seemed to hate in me. Was there something wrong with me? Was I like a disease? Something to broken down and eradicated instead of encouraged like a normal human being with feelings?

I had no idea what day it was nor what time of day it was. They had taken my iPhone for themselves as it seemed that it was nowhere to be seen and I know that I had definitely left the house with it whenever it was that I set off to school. I had no idea how long they had left me in the alley after beating me until I was black and blue and bleeding like crazy. I thought that they would have heart enough to actually leave me a little conscious so I had a chance of survive, hell, for all I knew it could have been an hour, a day or maybe even a week that they left me to bleed to death with little or no chance of anybody ever finding my body. I knew immediately after I said it that I shouldn't have shouted at them, screamed at them, it only made things a hell of a lot worse. For me.

My  body was on fire, it felt like I had been hit by a tractor going at 180 miles per hour and I knew that I had at least two broken ribs all thanks to those stupid boots. I couldn't even fully remember what I had put my poor, broken body through, the most I can remember is before Wiley let all of his sick friends, girlfriend and her friends join in. Looking back, I honestly don't know what I was thinking or why the hell I would stick up for myself now, and, somehow I knew it wasn't just because of the demonic voice but something inside of me just couldn't bear the thought of my not putting up a fight and just accepting the beatings as my fate when, in reality, I had just as much right as anybody to live my life how I wanted and not how other dictated.

I was halfway home when the ache in my leg became to much for me to handle. It was burning but it didn't just stop at my leg because I could feel each and every inch of my abused body begin to burn, it hurt much worse than any beating I had received in my short and meaningless life. It was almost as if the fire was trying to burn something out of my body and unfortunately, I was out of options so I forced myself to continue on through the burning sensation knowing that I couldn't create a scene on the street without word getting back to them that I had survived and I certainly couldn't put up with them any more until I had given my body chance to heal. 

It took me over 2 hours to manage to get back to the crummy, tiny and basically disgusting flat that I had to rent if I was to be able to pay all of Mark's bills, it wasn't much, but, it was home away from home after all. After Clarice passed away and mark became comatose, I couldn't afford the mortgage repayments and sadly the house was repossessed, meaning that either I found somewhere to stay or I lived on the streets and, considering that I had things to pay for, the latter was not even considered. So, here I am, living in a two room flat above a smelly chip-shop in the middle of crime central. I never felt safe staying here all alone and I always felt jealous when I remembered that basically everyone else in my school had a nice bedroom in a nice house in a nice neighbourhood while I was stuck here.

By the time I eventually made it up the steep flight of stairs that separated my flat from the shop, I was exhausted but thankfully, the once intense burning sensation had dulled to a constant ache and on the good side of things, I could no longer feel the pain I should be feeling with all of the cuts, bruises, lumps and broken bones in and on my battered body. Thinking back, I tried to remember what else I had gone through when all at once my memories of the traumatic and life-changing event came back in a tidal-wave of crazy images.


Wiley stepped forward with a new but extremely dangerous glint clear in his now black eyes? I mean, WHO THE HELL HAS PITCH BLACK EYES! IT'S UNNATURAL!

I knew that none of them had appreciated my dramatic little outburst by the look of anger on the faces of Wiley, Whitney, Brandon and Josef and the scared but still respectful expressions on the faces of Ella, Roe and Bailee, almost as if they had reason to fear what was going to happen. Before my slow mind could realise what was happening, Wiley was in front of me with so much fury radiating from him that even his 'friends', or as I like to call them, his minions, flinched in fear. "Listen here and listen good girl, you will show me and my ma- girlfriend some respect because if you don't, you won't know what has hit you! GOT IT!?"

'DON'T LISTEN TO HIM JAILEAN! Fight back! Do it! He's nothing but a mutt! You can take him on any day! Especially considering who you are and what you are! Just listen to me Jailean, nothing bad will happen, it's time you stop being so scared and stick up for yourself! You're not weak in any sense of the word, in fact, you are the exact opposite! Just do what your heart tells you and not your head!'

Who's there!?

Oh no!

It's back!

The thing that got me in this mess in the first place!

I would have been fine on the first day of school if that stupid voice hadn't told me to make myself known!

It told me to embarrass her, I didn't want to!

Should I listen to it this time?

"WILEY WILL YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH! Do you want to know what I think? No, well I don't care, you're going to listen anyway. I hate you all, since the day I started you have made my life a living hell and I have had enough, you're all too stupid to understand this, but, I don't care what you do to me. A man who hits a lady isn't a man at all, they are a coward," and that was when the shit hit the fan.

He launched himself at me and slammed my head against the alley wall and I could feel the blood trickle down the back of my neck and before long, I knew that I was going to be unconscious. However, Wiley was not going to let me off that easily oh no, before I let myself fall into the abyss of unconsciousness he kicked me in the ribs repeatedly and I could hear and feel them when they snapped clean in two. I didn't know that a person could kick that hard, even with the caps on the toes and to say I was shocked was an understatement because well, I'm sure I felt one of the broken parts splinter off and pierce my lung. Shoving me down to the ground, he called his friends over and the last thing I thought was that I was going to die....

**********END OF FLASHBACK**********

Unlocking the door, I stepped into the flat and knew something was wrong, something was different, something had changed...

Sadistic Succubus **ON HOLD FOR EDITING**Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat