Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

"Hello? Is anybody here?"

I know, this is like one of those cliché scenes in horror films but I don't care. I had been home for around half an hour now just relaxing on the magenta sofa when I started hearing suspicious noises coming from various places around the flat. First it was behind the sofa, then it was in the bathroom and then it was underneath the sofa and I found it all too suspicious, especially when nobody but me and my landlord were supposed to have access to my flat and I couldn't sleep knowing that something was going on that I was not aware of. I didn't exactly expect a reply to come from the seemingly empty flat so imagine my surprise when I got a reply.

"Jailean, relax, I will not harm you today," wait, so, WHY THE HELL WAS THERE SOMEBODY IN MY FLAT! IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE SAFE ENOUGH!

How the hell did they get in?

Who the hell is it?

Why the hell does he sound so... caring?

What the hell does he want with me?

Where the hell does he come from?

When did he sneak in?

From the shadows of the grimy curtains, an absolutely gorgeous man emerged and to say I was shocked was an understatement, because, what would someone as perfect as him be doing in my flat? Me, the nerd, the person who is an outcast, a social outcast? Did he get the flats mixed up? Nobody as perfect looking as him would be interested in somebody like me, I mean, I have disgusting acne scars that cover my entire face as well as huge glasses and geeky braces that make me look like somebody from one of those comedy shows. Boys like him are interested in one thing and one thing only, beautiful girls like Whitney, not people like me.

I don't know what happened to me but a sudden wave of confidence washed over me, replacing any fear that was previously present in my mind with confidence and a calm and collected peace of mind. It was so unlike me that if I was on the outside looking in, I wouldn't even recognise myself. Gone was Jai, the timid shy doormat and in her place was Jailean, the confident calm and collected badass. If only my looks were as badass as my sudden switch of personality, it was almost as if I was bipolar with the way my moods had been shifting lately.

"Who are you and how did you get in here?"

They were just two of the hundreds of questions floating around my mind right at this moment in time but I desperately needed to know who he was because I felt a strange connection of kinship with this mysterious stranger, it was almost as if I had seen him somewhere before but I just couldn't place a name with a face or a face with a name. In other words, my mind was a mess. I was so angry not to mention confused. If he was here to hurt me, would he really have waited the 30 minutes it took me to pluck up the courage to act on the suspicious feeling I had gotten since I stepped, or hobbled, into the room? No, I don't think he would so he must have some reason to want me alive, I just had to figure out why and more importantly, who he was so when I got free, I could tell the police exactly who it was who BROKE INTO MY HOME!

"Fear not m'lady, I am not here to harm you nor your home, I am simply here to escort you to where you truly belong. As for who I am, well, my name is Julius and I am to be the mentor that was chosen by someone very important while you are with us," excuse me!?

"EXCUSE ME! WHILE I AM WITH YOU! What exactly do you mean? I want an honest answer, none of the avoiding my questions and answering a question with a question please, just an honest answer, I am begging you," and I truly was. I hate liars, I hate people who answer questions with a question, it is simply so annoying. I mean, if somebody asks a question, why the hell would they want t have an answer in the form of a question when it was a question that was asked in the first place.

"You really want to know the truth?"

Didn't we just go over this?

I think the answer is YES!


"Of course I do!"

"Well, it may be the hard truth but things aren't always as they seem. You see, your father, your real one, is a very important man, not only on earth, but at home."

I keep hearing this word, yet, it was never explained to me what exactly 'home' was, I mean, is it a place, person, hell maybe another planet? I know it is a bit out there but I could only come up with so many reasonable explanations before I start to go for the weird explanations.

"Right, hold it there boyyo, what exactly is this 'home' I have been hearing about?"

I really thought he wasn't going to answer but by the sudden gleam in his eye, I knew that he was planning something, I just didn't know exactly what he was planning or how big an impact it would have on my life and the life of others who knew Jailean the nerd.

"I will answer all questions after I have finished telling you the truth, that is what you still want is it not?"


"Okay m'lady, enough with the introductions then if you will and allow me to continue with my story or as you call it, the 'truth'. When you were a little girl, he had to go back to defend his home and the home of thousands of others who depended upon your father and still do to this very day. After the battle, he looked for his little princess everywhere, but, it seemed that the people he had entrusted you to, Clarice and Mark were not all they seemed either, and, despite being trusted with the life of the most important girl in his life, they hid themselves from anybody and everybody who had a connection with you. Now, as Clarice was the one maintaining the spell, when she had a, well, unfortunate accident, it gradually started to weaken until today it cracked completely and we discovered your location. As soon as we knew where you were, where you lived and what your life was like, I was dispatched to come and get you to fetch you home and to your destiny."

"Destiny? How do you know my destiny? Are you like a fortune teller or something?"

I was sniggering on the inside, I mean, destiny, who the hell comes up with this bull crap unless they are escapees from the looney-bin, otherwise known as a mental hospital. I was half expecting him to say yes, but, I was certainly not expecting what did come out of his mouth...

Sadistic Succubus **ON HOLD FOR EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now