Prologue - Edited

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"Papa, when are you going to be back?"

"I do not know sweetheart, but I trust you, you're 8 now and very mature for your age, so, if I don't come back in 6 weeks, there is enough money in this bank account to last that long and after that, go to this address and tell them Lucan sent you and that he had business to attend to, but, what is most important is that you morph into life with Clarice and Mark and tell nobody who I am. Let them think that Clarice is your mother and Mark is your father. It is essential honey, now, I must be going, goodbye my princess," and with that, he waltzed out of the front door with bag in hand but without one thing - his daughter.

It was her eighth birthday - the little girl who appeared happy on the outside but was anything but. Her father was returning to his home, even if his daughter didn't know the exact location as he was leaving without her - once again and leaving her in the house she had grown accustomed to. Mature for her age and trusted by her father, he knew she would be perfectly fine because this wasn't the first time this particular situation had happened. Unfortunately, it was the first time he had told her that he might not make it home.

She didn't want him to leave, Jailean never did.

She didn't want a new mother - she had never had a mother in her life and had been fine with that, since she was three weeks old and had been dropped on her fathers doorstep it had just been him and her; just the way she liked it.

Last but not least, she certainly didn't want a new father - how would she know if she would be accepted?

That was her one wish. To be accepted by those lucky enough to be called her family and her friends...

Sadistic Succubus **ON HOLD FOR EDITING**Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora