A little secret

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Chapter 11


Now that she is asleep I can go and book our little trip. I should call Mom and ask her if she wants to meet in Paris. I really miss her and I feel really bad for what I did to her. Thank god Rey opened my eyes. There is always good no matter how long you have to wait it's going to pay off. I open up the laptop and look for a flight and hotel. I start checking the weather and see that it's going to rain the whole month in London well great. We should be better off if we only go to Paris. But what to do there for 2 weeks we could go to Lyon, Strasbourg. Maybe Italy. same with London. Croatia is nice. Oh that's good. Okay so first Croatia and then Paris. That sounds good. I should probably wait for Rey to wake up before I book anything. No else she will now the price and is going to insist on paying half. Oh to hell. I'm just going to book it...AND DONE now all I only have to do is text Mom. Gosh she will probably freak. But nop I don't really care at this point.

HEY MOM. Is it okay if I call you.

She probably won't reply tonight. I better go back to Bed before Rey realizes anything. I go back and fall asleep right away.

I wake up to a beautiful Rey still sleeping. I check my phone.


Of course feel free to call me when ever you want.

I start calling her. I'm kind of nervous she won't like it. No mom is not dad. She is cooler. She is cooler.

Hello Ben?

Hey Mom

So I know this is kind of crazy and you probably hate me

No Ben I don't hate you I will never hate you.

Well anyways I'm going to Paris in 2 weeks with my girlfriend would you like to join us?

Yes I would love to just text me the exact date and... wait a minute you have a girlfriend?

Yeah I will tell you all about her when we meet.

Okay well how are you honey?

I'm great. You?

Like always old. But yeah I'm great too. But tell me more about that mysterious girlfriend of yours.

Well I can tell you for sure she only brings the good out of me. And I love her with everything I have. Well Mom I have to go now I will text you the details then in a few minutes. I have to go now. see you then.

Bye Benny

Bye Mom... I love you.

And I quickly hang up. UFFF that was a good conversation.

R"Do I have to be jealous?"

„No never there is only you and well a surprise you will have to wait when we are in Paris."

R"Oh yeah right we have to book." I give her a kiss

„Already taken care of I found a really good deal while you were sleeping so I booked. I hope that is okay."

R"IT IS. I only have to know how much it costed and then I can pay you back."

„No I don't want you to pay it's totally fine."

R"BEN SOLO I will pay no matter what you want. Now tell me the price so I can pay."


R"Well then you can go alone."

„Oh no you wouldn't "

R"Yes I would."

„NOPE you love me too much"


„Fine" We kiss. I could kiss her all day she is just so incredible.

R"I have to go now before Finn and Poe worry." She kisses me and starts walking towards the door."Love you."

„Love you too." and with that she is gone. She does something with me URGH if she would ever leave me I couldn't handle it I would be so done with everything. NOP WON'T HAPPEN. I will do everything it takes for her to stay with me forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2018 ⏰

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