Not so good?

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Chapter 5


I open the door to see Finn and Poe on the couch.

"Hey so what was that important?"

F:"Look come here. I just made you an Netflix account because I saw you don't have one anyways LOOK AT THIS. IT'S A BRAND NEW SHOW AND WE WILL WATCH IT TOGETHER THROUGH THE NIGHT. „ I only see Poe smiling at him and then at me.

"THANKS. But I have class tomorrow. I will be dead."

P:"When does it start? And with who? And what?"

„At 9 am with Kylo Ren and it's writing."

F"Oh good luck honey with that one. He is the meanest and has no emotions for anybody. BUTTT YOU ARE STILL WATCHING WITH US"


„Fine. I will make some Pizza and I have some Fanta."

P,F:"Yay" They are just like 2 little boys. After I bring out we start watching The end of the f***ing world. It's not bad. It's a little brutal. but it's good. After a while I fall asleep. I hear the front close door close and open my eyes a little to see I'm in Bed. Finn and Poe are really good friends. I just can't wait till class this is going to be fun. And with that I fall back asleep.

I wake up to BEN?? He is laying next to me smiling

B"Good morning star shine. I already drove the kids to school."

„what. WHAT... WHAT KIDS???"

B"Ours silly you are so funny." I hear my alarm clock. I open my eyes and realize it was just a dream or was it?

All I do is throw on some sweat pants a t-shirt and I put my hair into a big messy Bun. There you go no effort. I quickly grab my bag and head for the campus. A new start into my new life. Something different.

I open the door to the room where Kylo Ren is teaching only to see students all around the same age like me.

I sit down in the middle row and get my notebook out. nobody sits next to me so at least I have some peace. I start doodling around and think about Ben. Why did he ask me how old I was. I should probably text him.


I open the door walk in I scan the room to see how many kids will fail this class this year and then I see I see I SEE REY OH NO THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING THIS IS BAD LIKE REALLY BAD. I quickly put the stuff on the table and quickly text her to stay a little longer after class. I look at her again I'm in shock I'm going out with one of my students I'm so messed up. She is still doodling so she didn't find out yet that I'm her Professor. Great mess Kylo.

„Good Morning class. I'MKYLO REN. LET'S just be honest from the beginning half of you that sit in here won't make it. So let's get started. RULES






This voice sounds so familiar.  I look up to see Ben ergh Kylo Ren wait what is his name? Did he know about this I quickly glance at my phone. I see the message from Ben or Kylo oh he will have to do some explaining. WHY IS THIS ALWAYS HAPPENING TO ME. I will die. I will go away I will have to move. No I won'T this wasn't my mistake. He goes on saying how we will all fail if we don't give our best. And talks some more but I can't get anything in my head right now. I'm just thinking about what is going to happen between us two. I want us to be together. I need him I mean he makes me feel so special. The first lesson ends and I stay a little longer when everybody is out I approach him he grabs my wrist and quickly pulls me back into the little room that's for teachers only. Still he hasn't said anything.

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