Be alright

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Chapter 10

And then I see a little small door I haven't really noticed it before it looks like a piece of the wall. I open it. Maybe I shouldn't go in here. Or should I? I mean what if he really is a murderer. I know he isn't and I don't really care but what If... I hear a knock on the door I quickly close the door and run to the main entrance door. I open it to see him with a Pizza box. I LOVE PIZZA. But I love him more. He enters and leaves the Pizza on the counter just as he turns around I kiss him. I just Love spending time with him. I know deep down that this is wrong but it feels so right. I just really hope we can be like this forever.

B:"I love you Rey."

"I love you too Ben." I love him this is crazy I love a 10 year older men I'm not even allowed to date. That's just great. When will we ever go on out or even vacation without getting arrested for being seen with one another. Wait waittttt a minute."What do you say to a trip to Europe."

B"I would love to but why Europe and not here?"

„Silly you we can't go out here because I'm 20 and you are 30. But in Europe we are allowed to date and all that stuff."

B:"True. Well let's go next week. We have a two week break anyways so why not do it now."

„Fine with me as long as you promise me you are not going to give us some homework to do."

B"REY. You know I can't do that. My students have to suffer at least a little."

„So I have to suffer too Great thx."

B"Okay I will just... Okay fine no homework." He quickly gives me a kiss and stands up.

„We still have to figure out where we want to go."

B"How about Paris and London."

„YAY. Uh but we are definitely going to go to disneyland."

B"You have to be kidding me. Right?"

„No why. You think it's to childish right. yeah I get it."

He comes back with a computer.

B"No never."He gives me a kiss again."I actually really like Disney.I was there with my Dad always. At least when he had enough time." I see his smile fade so I hug him and kiss him. I can't see him sad.

„It's the past. We learn from it. We cry we laugh... But we are here now and I could not be happier."

B"Are you sure you can't be happier?" He says with a smirk he is planning something

„NOP Happiest gurl in this whole world." And then he starts tickling me. „BEN STOP...STOP...STOP IT RIGHT NOW BEN SOLO." He stops and just stares at me. I see a smile grow.

B"How is it possible that I found you. I was so bad and now I have you and I'm so good so happy. Rey... I love you really from the bottom to the top of my heart. Remember that always."

„Oh Benny I love you too and I'm so happy that we are here together even tho the law doesn't let us you haven't backed out. I mean what could I want more? Nothing"

We share a passionate kiss and after we are done we just lay down onto the bed. He lays there with my head on his chest I hear his heart beat. Just this moment is the moment I'm living for. There is nothing more beautiful then this. Being with him. I catch myself starting to pass out.

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