Chapter Eight

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Cassius' P.O.V

"Grimm hold him down." Blood splatters all over my face as his hands make large gaping cuts into his torso. I don't bother with it and instead begin walking up to the man we had captured not too long ago.

"Whether your Alpha wants it or not, he will heed my command. If not, I will be coming after him and his pack after I'm through the Easterners." He spits out blood onto the dirt ground making me even madder. It's a show of disrespect. Spitting on the ground close to someone is one of the greatest show of disrespect and rudeness.

I grab his hair and yank it causing him to look at me with a scowl. "Hahaha, you think that means anything to me? You piece of shit." Before I can do anything Grimm lets go of him and punches him square in the face.

"Our Alpha will surely have your head for this!" He spits madly which only makes me roll my eyes. "Here I thought I was actually going to let you live. But it matters not to me, another one of you will try to come and spy on me and my doings. The next person should bring word back to your esteemed Alpha that I will not tolerate such underhanded methods of infiltration and sabotage."

He begins heaving out in exasperation. All my sense of compassion and sympathy had disappeared along with my short childhood. There is no such thing as mercy in my eyes. Lies, dishonesty, and dishonor all are worthy of a torturous death. But I don't care at this moment.

"Grimm." He nods and in a blink of an eye the man's head is no longer a part of his body. I've been crossed too many times to let up now. I can't stand it.

I walk out the room trying my best to wipe the blood off of my face before anyone can see it. "There are three more of them, Your Highness, What do want me to do with them?"

"Kill them and bury them somewhere far away from these lands. They don't deserve to buried with our ancestors. They're a disgrace to this kingdom along with their rightfully born kin." My eyes narrow in disgust.

"As you command." He turns and walks back in the room blood covering his clothes and some of face. I know it doesn't bother him just as it doesn't bother me. Grimm was my father's man. He was like a brother to him. He relied on him to do all this kind of work and here I am now relying on him to the exact same thing.

"Hello my dear sweet cousin." I hear Christophe say in that disgustingly sweet voice of his.


"I haven't even-"


"Mmmm~ Someone is in one of those prize winning moods of his again."

I am no mood to deal with him. I swear I will sever his neck from his head if he does not quit pestering me about dumb, little things he could ask any other person about. If he wasn't so close of family to me he would have been dead a long time ago.

"The Council has been talking about your candidates for marriage. Would you like to know who was added in?"

"I can care less."

"I think you would care just a little about this one." I look at him with wide eyes as I see the grin of mischief playing on his face.

". . .Who is it?"

"Cecilia de Camuilla. The third in line to inherit the Camuilla lineage."

I curse under my breath as he starts to laugh. "Married to a Westerner. Wow. The great Cassius and Cecilia are to be wed soon."

"That will be a disaster from the very beginning to the very end. The dumb old raccoons will learn soon enough. They want nothing, but to be rid of us just as we want to be rid of the Easterners." I say madly as I walk through the courtyard shooing away anyone who dared to talk to me right now.

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