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In the fifth month, I couldn't sleep properly. Every five minutes I was up and peeing because the baby was pushing against my bladder. Most nights I would just stare at the ceiling until my body shut down and made me sleep.

At the weekend, we were going to find out the sex of the baby, we had been putting it off for a while since we weren't sure whether we wanted to know but after a while we decided just to do it and have that gender reveal party thing people do nowadays.

But, I didn't know how I was going to have energy for that if I couldn't sleep properly. One night, I couldn't deal with it anymore and decided to annoy Josh by waking him up so he could go through the pain with me.

"Josh." I mumbled, I turned my head and looked at him. He was sound asleep. I hated that. I tried to roll over but it was too uncomfortable so I let out a small yell. Josh's head flew up.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" His voice was all croaky and gross. He saw me pouting and sat up immediately.

"I hate that you can sleep so soundly." I complained, Josh groaned and laid back down. "And I want McDonald's." I added, he turned around and faced me.

"What time is it?" He asked. I looked at my clock on the side of the bed.

"Almost three am." I answered which caused a great moan from him. "Joshua. Take me to McDonald's!" I tugged him. He pushed my arm away and tried to bury himself in the comforter.

"Order it online." He groaned.

"They don't deliver after midnight but they have a twenty four hour drive thru at the one on sunset" I rocked him towards me, he groaned again. "Joshua William Dun." I raised my voice.

"Just try and sleep Sage." He refused, I couldn't believe he was depriving me of my needs as a pregnant woman.

"I am giving you a child, not to mention that stupid car you want. The least you could do is drive me to McDonald's at three am." I argued. He stayed silent. "Fine, I'll drive myself." I resolved, pushing myself out of bed.

"Fine. Fine. Don't get in the car. I've got this." He leapt out of bed and put on some joggers and a t shirt. I put on one of his jumpers and followed him out of the house.

"I want this thing out of me. I can already tell it's a boy, it's so massive." I rubbed my belly as we walked out of the house.

"Stop, it's a perfect size." Josh leant down and kissed it. I pushed him off me with a giggle.

As he drove the car in the dark, I got out my phone and took a video of him.

"Get you a man who will drive you to McDonald's at 3 am because you're pregnant and hungry." I said, he let out a laugh.

"You don't even have that man, that man doesn't exist." Josh was clearly not happy with me but I didn't care.

We rolled into the drive thru to meet a very tired looking girl at the window. Josh knew what I ordered usually so he ordered that and what he wanted.

"And I want a mcflurry. And an extra portion of fries and some chicken nuggets." I yelled at the girl. Josh's eyes widened at my appetite.

"Two mcflurries please and another large fries." Josh muttered and smiled at the girl before driving on. He paid for the food and collected, my mouth watered at the sight of it all.

"Thank you baby, I love you." I mumbled with a bunch of fries in my mouth. Josh's face softened and he smiled.

"Anything for you." He said quietly and not even passive aggressively. I just grinned at him while he shoved his hand in the bag and pulled out his burger. "Not as good as Taco Bell but it does the job." He shrugged.

When we got home, I had already eaten half the food. Josh had managed to get some of his fries before I ate them.

We still had the mcflurries so we sat on the couch and ate them in the silence of the night. Jim sat nicely on his pet bed and watched us.

"So what car did you want?" I asked, his face lit up which made me roll my eyes.

"I wanna get a g-wagon. My Range Rover is too clunky. G-wagon's are bomb." Josh expresses, I nodded.

"Since when did you start saying bomb?" I giggled, he blushed and shook his head.

"I regret saying it." We both laughed for a while before falling into silence again.

"Take it all in Joshua, we only have three months of silence before it's all screaming baby and no sleep." I scooped the ice cream and popped it in my mouth.

"It's gonna be really hard isn't it?" He looked genuinely terrified for the split second he looked into my eyes.

I put the ice cream down and crawled over to him, sitting on his lap. He spoon fed me a scoop of ice cream which made me grin.

"I know I won't want to trade it for the world but that thought scares me." He confessed, I ran a hand through his brown hair and nodded.

"Same and I have to actually birth this thing." I joked, he chuckled which made me jiggle on his lap.

"Can we get another dog?" He asked, I burst out laughing.

"Joshua! Cut out of your little mid life crisis!" I laughed, he shrugged and pulled me down to kiss him.

My stomach got in the way of most things but josh always found a way to give me proper kisses. I felt like a teenager again, having my first kiss.

"Let's go to bed." He whispered and pushed me off the couch so he could get up.

-Josh's POV-

I was royally freaking out about this child but I couldn't let Sage know that, she would freak out even more and that wasn't good.

I just wanted the pregnancy to be over with so I could play with it and dress it and bathe it and stuff. Sage was handling it with such grace, except for the late night trips to McDonald's and when she's in pain.

Even laying next to her at night, watching her sleep which sounds creepy but really it's more endearing. I can see when she's in pain, when her back aches or whether I'm causing her pain when I don't comply.

I rolled over to her stomach when she was asleep and kissed it softly, then pressed my ear to it to see if I could hear anything.

"Hey baby." I whispered to it.

"I can't wait to see you. All you can probably hear is panic from out hear and all you're probably eating is McDonald's which, I know is great, but there are other things to experience such as Taco Bell. You are gonna have the best mom ever and I hope I can be a good dad to you.

You're gonna have a friend, Ollie, he's Tyler's son which is pretty crazy to think about. I hope you like him but you won't really have a choice, Ty and I have been planning this for a while now. And his mom is Jenna who you are going to adore, she's your mom's best friend as well which Ty and I planned.

Your mom is so special, I hope you are 99% her. I would happy with just 1% resemblance. She's so savvy and clever, I could never live up to that. I hope you idolise her as much as I do and understand that when she yells it's because she loves you. It took me a while to figure that out.

And I know that you aren't gonna be a normal kid, that me and Ty have corrupted that for you but I hope I can give you everything you want whether that's a normal life or a musician life. Man, I hope you like music. I don't know how you wouldn't but if you don't then that's alright too, you can be a scientist or a mathematician. Outsmart us all.

I can't wait to see you grow up and watch what you grow up to be. I promise to be a good dad even if that takes me a while to figure out. Since you're the first kid, we're gonna be making a lot of mistakes, trust me I've been there. Your mom won't understand that as the second child but that's okay, we won't hold that to her. It'll be our thing.

Anyway, it's late and you're probably asleep anyway so I'm gonna go. I love you and even though this whole experience is scary, if you're brave then so will I. Deal? Okay."

Expressing Thoughts-J.DWhere stories live. Discover now