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"Are you sure you don't mind?" Jenna was all dressed up, she looked stunning in yellow. Tyler had a nice white shirt and jeans on, ready for date night.

After Madison Square Garden, we followed Tyler and Jenna back to Ohio for a couple of days. I wanted to prove to Josh that I was ready for a baby so I offered to babysit so they could have a date night.

"Jenna, we are his godparents we have to bond with him and plus this is good practice." I had Ollie on my hip, his head on my shoulder.

"Okay, if you need me call me. We're just in town, like five minutes away." She worried which showed she had great confidence in us.

"Okay. Say bye mommy, have fun." I took Ollie's hand and waved it at Jenna. She kissed Ollie's head and then mine.

"Okay, I love you both. Ty!" She yelled for Tyler, I moved out the way when Tyler and Josh came downstairs. Tyler kissed Ollie's head before taking Jenna's hand.

"Don't mess this up guys" Tyler waved as they left. I widened my eyes at Josh who looked just as useless.

"What do we do now?" I looked between Ollie and Josh. Josh took Ollie from me and kissed his head.

"Feed him, play with him and then put him to bed. Shouldn't be that hard." He shrugged as he bounced Ollie. I squinted my eyes in disbelief.

"Famous last words." I walked into the kitchen and he followed so we could feed him. Josh placed the baby on the counter while I got out the food. "Don't let go of him." I pointed at Josh, my maternal instincts kicking in as I saw in my mind all the potential ways the child could get hurt just by being sat on the island.

"Have you thought about all the things we have to give up when we have a baby?" I asked as I stirred the disgusting looking food in the plastic bowl.

"Yeah but it's all worth it." Josh said without a thought, I snorted.

"No more baths together, no more parties, no more me going on tour a lot." I listed a few, he put Ollie in his high chair and then kissed me quickly.

"We can still do all that, maybe not the last one but the baths and parties definitely. Not that we party a lot anyway." He sat on one side of Ollie while I sat on the other. I started to spoon feed Ollie while he giggled at Josh's face.

"Do you think Jim will feel left out?" I wondered, continuing to feed the bubba. Josh leant back in his chair and sighed.

"We're not getting another dog." I let out a laugh and shook my head.

"No, we will just have to make sure we don't stop giving attention to Jim. You still take him for runs and walks and stuff as much as you do now and it'll be ok." Ollie slammed his hands on the table and giggled loudly as Josh blew a raspberry at him.

"Done, after the first six weeks I'm gonna want to get out the house." He shrugged.

"First six weeks?" My heart raced, Josh knew a lot more about this than I did and I was going to be the one carrying it out.

"Yeah the baby won't be sleeping a lot. We will be completely stressed out." He said it as if it was no big deal. I stopped feeding Ollie and grabbed Josh's t shirt which made his eyes widen.

"First six weeks, you do not leave me, you do not go on tour and you take baths with me when I want." I demanded, he laughed and kissed me again.

"Whatever you want." He grinned and took the bowl away from me so he could continue feeding time at the zoo.

When Ollie was done eating, Josh wiped his mouth and picked him up. He said he would keep an eye on him while I cleaned up which I was happy to do.

Expressing Thoughts-J.DWhere stories live. Discover now