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"Brendon I can't talk right now, Josh and Tyler are about to go on stage" I answered the phone as quickly as I could while following everyone down the hallway.

"Ok I'll be quick, mom called and she wants us to come home for a few days for dad's birthday. Lillie called and told me to tell you she's in town for a from the 27th because she's looking for a place in LA with Shane. She wants you there if you can make it" he spoke so quickly I could hardly understand.

"Why didn't they both just call me?" I tried to take a mental note of everything he had said.

"Because you never answer your phone while your on tour. I get it but I can't keep taking messages for you" Josh turned around while Tyler started talking to Jenna. He gave me a funny look as I spoke to Brendon.

"Okay, tell them both I'll call them back. I promise this is the last time" I had so much going round and round my head, I grabbed Josh's arm so I didn't fall over. He gripped onto me tightly and gave me a worried look.

"Ok I love you, have fun"

"Love you too" I hung up and let out a deep breath. Josh put his arm around me and kissed my head.

"You ok?" He seemed so calm and he was about to go on.

"Yeah yeah, everything's fine" I reached up and hugged him tightly. He rested his head on my shoulder and kissed my neck.

"Good. I love you" he whispered as we hugged, I kissed behind his ear and gave him a reassuring smile.

"I love you too. Go do your thing, I'll be right here" He bit his lip and nodded. "You're going to be great" I smiled. He gave me a strong kiss before shaking out his whole body and walking over to Tyler.

I pulled out my phone and pressed Lillie's name. The phone rung a few times before she picked up.

"Hey! You finally called me back" she answered happily.

"I'm sorry about that, tour has been so crazy" I tried to excuse me being a bad friend.

"It's ok I get it. So look, are you back in LA anytime soon?" She asked, I tried to think about it but there was so much noise.

"Um, we stop the tour for two months in a month so Jenna can have her baby in Ohio. I can try to fly to LA then" I watched Josh do his handshake with Tyler then run onto the stage.

"What date is that?" She asked, obviously planning already.

"Uh, I don't know right now. Can I call you when I do know. It'll be right after the show, I'll talk to Josh and get some dates" I tried to yell over the music.

"Okay, let me know soon okay. I need to know when to plan the retail lady" she said cheerfully.

"Okay, I'm excited for you to live in LA" I said honestly, I could practically hear her smile.

"Me too. Okay, I'll see you soon. Love you and tell the guys I miss them!"

"Will do, love you Lil" I said and hung up the phone.

Josh and Tyler were their usual happy selves. Jumping and dancing all over the stage, Josh always looked so happy when playing the drums. I would never get tired of it. Jenna and I stood on the stage, she rubbed her huge belly while we bobbed to the music.

"Is it safe for you to be here?" I rubbed her stomach which made her laugh.

"Should be, I'm eight months today. I've got ages" she joked, I stared at her stomach. I wanted a baby. I turned my attention to Josh who was banging his drums as hard as he could. He would be a great dad. He would make up the fact that I don't think I would be an amazing mom.

When the concert ended, Josh ran up to me where I was holding a towel for him. He was breathless, sweaty but most importantly flipping beautiful.

"When you have a minute, we need to talk" I rested my hand on his sweaty cheek.

"Is everything okay?" He wiped sweat off his forehead as his eyes bore into me.

"Yes yes everything's fine. You need to shower and then we can talk" I smiled. He was out of breath so he just nodded, kissed me and then ran off to the shower.

I tried to get myself together. I had been offered a job, a great one. I needed to tell Josh about it and I hoped he was excited. It meant though that I would be in LA for while without Josh which I hated. I never wanted to be away from him but I also really wanted this job.

I sat on the couch impatiently, it felt like hours until the shower water stopped. Josh came out moments later in new clothes and wet hair. He let out a deep sigh and collapsed on the couch with me.

"What's up?" He put his arm around me so I threw my legs over him.

"Remember you took a vow you would support me and you love me" I took his hand in mine and watched his facial expression change.

"What did you do?" He laughed but it soon stopped when he saw my expression.

"I didn't do anything. I got offered at job to do a collaboration with 'Benefit'. They are great, one of my favourite make up brands" I tried to contain my smile but when Josh broke out into a grin I couldn't help but mirror his expression.

"Sage, I knew you would get a job. You are so good at what you do, I am so proud of you" Josh pulled me in for a hug which I gladly accepted. He pushed me down so I was laying down on the couch and he was on top of me.

"Josh, it means I will have to go for an interview in LA and then work with them, in LA" I pointed out. He took in a deep breath and shook his head.

"It's going to make you happy, we will get through it for how ever long you have to go to LA. We made a vow, I will stick to the vow if you do" he held up his pinky for me to shake which I did happily.

"I love you" I grinned, he kissed me but then I pushed him back.

"Lillie called, she's moving to LA and wants me to help her and Shane look for an apartment. She wants me back in LA" I sighed, he moved off me and sighed.

"When?" He asked, I sat up as well.

"She's wants to plan it when we're on our two months off so it might not even be that big of a deal" I shrugged, Josh ran his hand through his hair.

"Okay, anything else you wanna tell me?"

"I might have to go to Vegas for my dads birthday, I was hoping you could come" I gave him a cheesy smile so he couldn't say no.

"Wow a lot happened during the show" he laughed.

"Look, if you don't want me to go to LA at anytime just say it and I won't. I made a vow Josh and I'm sticking to it" I held his face so he knew I was serious.

"No, no. It's not like you're making excuses, these are reasons and I'm not gonna get mad over it" he smiled calmly and kissed me.

"I promise you will be in the loop with everything that happens" I kissed him back.

"I'm so proud of you. I knew you could do it" He grinned as I laid down again. I just let out an appreciative laugh and nodded.

Plans plans plans...

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