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Josh watched as I got ready for our date, he had a crisp white shirt on with some black trousers while I wore a comfy casual dress that finished just before my knees. I put on my bracelet Josh had given me and a few rings before brushing my hair through one final time. I turned to Josh who was laying on the bed watching me and smiled to indicate I was ready. He stood up and held out his hand for me to take, I placed mine in his and he yanked me towards him. He kissed my forehead and smiled down at me for a split second.

"You look stunning" he complimented, I kissed him to thank him before he lead me out of the hotel room.

Since we were in Japan I didn't know what to expect from this date. The air was humid but bearable so Josh decided we would walk to our destination. I swung our hands in between us in happiness before Josh let go and put him arm around me. I just smiled to myself as he lead me wherever we were going. I watched all the lights in the city blare out as the hum of the people ran through me. Eventually Josh pushed me right and I turned to see the opening of a park. I gasped at what I was seeing.

"Look at all the cherry blossom!" I beamed, Josh chuckled and connected our hands again before leading me into the park. I trailed behind him as he dragged me just because I wanted to look at all the trees. "Josh you have to stop and take it all in" I pulled him but he pulled me harder.

"We are going to be late" he laughed at me while he tightened his grip and pulled me back to him. I just trotted beside him since he walked very fast. We turned a corner to reveal a large open space with lots of people sat on it. I gave Josh a confused look as he dragged me towards the people. As we entered the green space I saw a huge screen at the end of the space.

"An outdoor cinema?" I asked, he nodded while biting his lip. He was very excited.

"They are showing Fight Club" he said excitedly.

"Romantic" I teased, knowing it was his favourite movie. He lead me over to an empty picnic blanket. He said thank you to the people behind him, probably for keeping it or setting it up for him and we sat down to watch the movie. "Is it in English?" I asked, he nodded.

"With Japanese subtitles so it's all good" he smiled.

"You could probably recite it for me if it wasn't" I joked, he let out a loud laugh and nodded.

As the movie started we got comfy, I hadn't told Josh that I had never seen his favourite movie before because I knew he would take a day off to make me watch it a dozen times.

"The first time I watched this movie was when I was eleven, I snuck into the movie theatre with Jordan. We were both so excited to see it and it lived up to every expectation" he grinned without taking his eyes off the screen. I watched him watch the movie for a while before he turned to look at me. "You're missing it" he scolded, I grinned and turned to the screen to try and catch up with what I missed.

The film was ok but it definitely wasn't my favourite, I got a tad bored towards the middle so I rested my head on Josh and closed my eyes. I took in the smell of my man and started to feel sleepy.

"Are you falling asleep?" Josh burst suddenly, I jumped and shook my head.

"Just getting comfy" I giggled, he sighed and smiled slightly. "I'm not going to fall asleep during your favourite film" I assured him. "I'm not a monster" I joked which made me laugh.

He pressed his lips to mine so I pushed my lips forward to kiss him back. He put his hand on my neck to steady my head, his hands were warm and felt silky smooth. His hand ran to the back of my head as we kissed and held my head firmly. He bit my lip softly before continuing the kiss, I had one hand on the floor to try and steady myself while the other gripped his yellow hair. His tongue played with mine as he deepened the kiss and pushed harder against my mouth. It went on for longer than I expected but it felt so good I never wanted it to stop. Eventually Josh pulled away, leaving me wanting more and just smiled. He knew the affect he had on me when he kissed me like that, I felt giddy and bubbly. He gave me a short kiss before putting his arm around me and continuing to watch the movie.

"This is a good movie" I said, giddy with happiness, Josh just laughed and kissed my head.

Throughout the rest of the film, Josh and I would chat or make out before returning to it. I knew Josh loved this film but I also knew he loved me more so I knew he wouldn't get too mad if I distracted him a little bit. As the film ended however, I actually got into it. My eyes were glued to the screen and Josh was the one who wanted to continue our pattern of chat, make out, return to film. He kissed, licked, nibbles at my neck and ears while I just watched the film closely.

"Josh, this is a good bit" I whispered, his mouth formed an 'O' before he started to tickle me. My arms gave way and I collapsed onto the floor in fits of giggles.

"How dare you ignore me as it gets good" he teased, he hovered over me as I grinned up at him. I just wanted to take this moment with me and keep it safe from any future troubles.

"It's a damn good movie" I laughed, he just rolled his eyes and pulled me back up.

"It's ending now" he informed me so we sat and watched the end. When the credits started to roll, I looked towards Josh expectantly and he smiled.

"Hungry?" He asked, I nodded vigorously and he smiled. "I don't necessarily like Japanese food but I know somewhere that does some pretty good American food" he smiled widely.

He lead me back to our hotel and up to our hotel room, he opened the door and motioned for me to enter.

"Our hotel room?" I asked, he nodded.

"We have movies and room service and this way we can do it wearing whatever we want" He beamed, I walked towards him and kissed him softly.

"Best date ever" I confessed, he picked me up and threw me on the bed making me giggle as I bounced. He crawled on top of me and smirked as he started unbuttoned his shirt.

"Hey, I like this shirt, where did you get it?" I asked, feeling the material as he took it off.

"Mom bought it for me" he blushed, I laughed and pulled him down on top of me. He fumbled with my dress for a while before sitting up again. "Take the dress off, it's stressing me out" He said, flustered and obviously very sexually frustrated.

"You're the man of romance tonight Josh Dun" I said sarcastically, he chuckled as I stood up to take off my dress. I unzipped it and slipped out, revealing to him that I wasn't wearing a bra. I walked over to him and crawled on top of him.

"You're so beautiful" he gasped as he sat up so I was on his lap. I smiled in response before moving my lips so I kissed behind his ear, I felt him shiver as I nibbled at his ear lobe. His hands roamed my body before he picked me up and put himself on top of me where he remained for a while after...

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