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While my parents were here Brendon agreed to take them out for a day so Josh could go to the studio. I decided to go with Josh and sit on a studio session. I used to do it all the time when Brendon was recording A Fever You Can't Sweat Out. I was a sixteen year old living the dream.

Josh swung our hands between us as we walked down the halls of the record label. He seemed oddly happy but I wasn't about to interrupt. He spun me around before giving me a sloppy kiss as we reached the door. He opened the door and ushered me in, I gave him a broad smile as I walked in.

"Hey" Tyler was alone in the room which seemed odd to me. Whenever I went in with Brendon there was always so many people in there.

"Hey, why are you alone?" I asked as he stood up to hug me. It seemed as if Tyler accepted that I was a hugger and had given in to hugging me. Now he only hugged Jenna, Josh and I and I was honoured to be included. For anyone else however he was not a hugger at all.

"No one else comes in until after one. This time is for Josh and I to go over things and for me to write songs" Josh sat in a swivel chair and started spinning around.

"Cool, glad to be here" I sat on Josh's lap so we could spin together. Tyler curled up in a ball on the couch and stared at his notepad that was on the edge of the couch. I couldn't help but watch him in fascination that this is what he does to produce such brilliant songs.

I felt Josh kiss my cheek so I turned my face him, I smiled and kissed behind his ear. I heard a few clicks before snapping my head to Tyler who was clutching his phone. He giggled from behind it before tapping violently. I felt my phone buzz, it read 'Ty has sent you a photo'. I opened it to see a really cute photo of Josh and I. I smiled and posted it quickly onto my Instagram.

"Does anyone want coffee?" I asked, standing up. They both nodded so I went to walk out.

"I'll go with you" Josh said after giving Tyler a look. Tyler winked at him when he thought I wasn't looking which could mean one of two things. One, Josh was up to something or two, Joshler was real. Knowing both of extremely well I wouldn't be surprised if it was the second one.

"Where's the coffee machine?" I asked, Josh took my hand in his and lead me a way which I assumed was the way off the caffeine.

"This way" he mumbled. As much as I loved Josh, sometimes he baffled me. He lead me down many hallways before opening a door. Inside was what looked like a small kitchen, in this small kitchen was a fridge, microwave and thankfully a coffee machine. Josh got out three mugs while I turned it on.

"When do you think the album will be done?" I asked, I pulled myself up onto the counter and watched happily as Josh spotted himself in between my legs.

"Soon." He said simply, he gave me a light kiss before taking a deep breath. "I'm taking you out on Saturday." He demanded then let out a short breath as if he had let himself down. I couldn't help at laugh at his awkwardness. Part of me was glad he was still awkward around me sometimes.

"Okay. Where are we going?" I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into me.

"That's a surprise" he winked then kissed me hard.

"Do you get nervous when asking me out?" I wondered while he pulled away. He chuckled to himself.

"Sometimes, you still make me nervous and all giddy inside" he confessed sheepishly. I tried not to 'awe', instead I planted a huge kiss on him which he gladly accepted.

"What do you think I'll do? Say no?" I laughed.

"Now that we've been dating for like two and half years, it would probably be easier for you to say no and for our relationship to continue smoothly" he explained. Sometimes it amazed me what went through this mind, as if I'd say no.

"If I ever turn you down for a date, break up with me" he rested his head on my shoulder so I started running my finger on the skin behind his ear. The place I had always loved to kiss for no reason, I kissed him there again and he pulled away from the hug.

"You would probably have a valid reason. Also, if I broke up with you I would have no one to kiss me behind the ear." He grinned, I mirrored his expression happily. I loved that he loved it when I did that even though if he hated it I would still do it.

"Coffees done" I whispered, it felt the right time. He put his warm hands up my shirt and rested them on my sides, I ran my hands through his hair and suddenly felt very turned on. "Coffees done" I repeated, Josh ignored me again and instead of getting the coffee he started to kiss my neck. "Josh" I moaned, trying to get him to not be turned on. It was already too late for me. He brought his lips to mine while I scooted towards him so I could wrap my legs around him. Suddenly the door handle twisted, Josh flew back off me while I sat frozen. I bit my lip as the door opened, revealing someone who looked very important.

"Oh, Sorry. Didn't realise there was anyone in here. Is there fresh coffee?" They said.

"Yeah, we just made some. You want a cup?" I hopped off the counter.

"Yeah, if that's alright" he followed me to the coffee machine so I could pour him a cup. He looked at Josh and squinted his eyes at him, Josh gave him a friendly smile but stood against the wall as if he was unable to move. "Are you in a band?" He asked while I poured the other coffees for Tyler, Josh and I.

"Yeah. Twenty One Pilots." Josh answered politely.

"Oh, with arms with them you must be the drummer. I've heard of you guys. You here working on new stuff?" He asked.

"Yeah" He looked a bit calmer.

"Looking forward to it." He seemed like a nice guy. He turned to me and squinted just like he had done to Josh. "If you're Josh," he said to Josh. "Then you must be Sage" he held his hand out. I shook his hand and nodded.

"I am" I smiled, he pointed his finger at me.

"I used to know your brother very well" he smiled.

"Oh, okay" I laughed. This encounter was becoming pretty odd and everyone was realising it.

"Well I should let you two get back to it. Hope he album goes well Josh" he patted Josh on the arm before walking out. Josh looked stunned as he walked out.

"That was Derek Goldman" Josh said as soon as the door shut. I raised my eyebrows.

"Who?" I laughed, Josh just shook his head at me and grabbed a coffee.

"So uneducated. That was one of the most famous venue owners in America. He owns like thousands of venues across America and he knew who I was. He knew who you were. He's friends with Brendon!" He fangirled.

"Alright alright. Let's go before your ovaries burst" I teased, he gave me a dirty look before putting his arm around me.

"Derek Goldman knows who I am" he said to himself as we walked out.

"He also caught you making out with me" I pointed out.

"Oh shit yeah. Well that's a story for the grandkids" he joked but it felt like a stab. Our grandkids? I brushed it off as we walked.

"Ty ty ty!" He put his coffee down and ran over to Tyler who was fiddling with buttons. "Guess who we just met?" Josh giggled. I handed Tyler his coffee and landed on the couch.

Josh told Tyler everything that had gone on, even the parts where we were making out. Josh didn't seem to care about sharing too much, he was just happy to meet someone important. Tyler fangirled as well, probably about the fact that they are known now to the point where they would get huge arenas and stadiums over America.

"So everyone's happy?" Tyler asked, I gave him a weird look but Josh just fist bumped him.

"Just perfect" Josh grinned.

This is weak. I just needed Josh to ask out Sage. Also I don't know if there are any Derek Goldman's out there but welcome to the book! You are now a famous arena owner.

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