ni-ju-nana| kiss you to death

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dinner was going great, until my dad asked about her parents. she stiffens and i put my hand on her thigh, feeling her hand go on top of mine.

"they're not really in the picture." she mutters. both my parents look at me in shock, as if asking why i didn't tell them earlier.

"i'm sorry sweetie, we didn't know." mom glares at me, but emma shakes her head.

"it's not his fault, it's okay." she smiles at me but i can see hints of sadness swimming in her eyes and my heart literally hurts. how could her parents do that to her? taylor launches into another story about jake, her long time boyfriend, changing the topic smoothly. 

emma keeps one hand on mine throughout dinner, occasionally holding onto my finger.

"emma, i still don't understand why you're dating my brother when he literally acts like a childish baby all the damn time." emma giggles, resting her hand on my shoulder and looking at me.

"i don't know either." she replies, "i guess he's cute."

"and i give the best cuddles," i snarl at the both of them, "emma looks so prim and proper but she's the biggest cuddler i know."

"stop embarrassing me." emma whines, making my parents laugh.

"so emma, you're still in school?" jake asks.

"yeah," she says shyly, "im in my third year in university. im studying film and media on a full ride scholarship." she beams at them, and i pat her thigh.

"that's amazing," taylor says in awe before turning to me, "must be nice dating someone smart for once." she sniggers. she usually hates my girlfriends, claiming they're too bimbotic.

"how's it been adjusting to life here? noah mentioned you've been here for only a year?" my mum asks, stabbing a piece of her thanksgiving roast.

"it's been pretty nice actually. i've lived in singapore for around 8 years before coming here, i lived in japan before that. so i'm okay with moving. it's gets really cold here though, because singapore is a tropical country so they don't get winter there." my parents nod in understanding.

"which is why i lost half my hoodies to her. it isnt even that cold in NY yet, but she's literally freezing her cute butt off everyday." i shake my head.

"dude what is it with girls stealing hoodies man! taylor takes my hoodies too!" jake fist bumps me and taylor rolls her eyes.

"girls get cold easily, and of course she wants your hoodies, they're big and comfy, even i want them, but i have jake's." emma excitedly agrees, fist bumping taylor.


"i didn't know how goofy fetus noah looked!" emma laughs, holding up a framed photograph.

"yeah, yeah, stop making fun of me." i nag, unpacking some of my clothes. she places the photo back on the table, grabbing her camera and flipping through her photos. she decided to bring her camera, and she's been constantly trying to get cute candids of me, even though theyre so obvious and i purposely pose for the camera to her annoyance.

"hey this is cute!" she guffaws, throwing her head back in laughter. i snatch the camera from her hands, to see a photo of myself mid sneeze.

"so you wanna play huh?" i smirk, putting the camera away and crawling on top of her. she stiffens, boosting my ego. i love how affected she is by me. "don't forget i know how ticklish you are." i whisper in her ear and she shivers, pressing herself into the bed.

"jesus, every time i walk in here, you guys are about to have sex." taylor slams the door open and i look up at her, glaring. way to ruin the fucking moment.

"oh for fucks sake tay, get out." i lament. i just want to kiss emma in peace. "and don't come back."

"yeah thank me later," she throws a bunch of condoms into the room, "mom wanted you to be safe." i groan as she leaves. how childish can this family get? im a whole 22 years old and they still pull these on me every time i come back. emma looks mortified at the incident, her face blushing in shades of pinks and reds.

i lower my body and lie on top of her, appreciating her body warmth. "getttt awwwfff, you're.. so.. heavyyy." emma pushes against my chest and i continue acting as deadweight. she jabs me in my side, making me jerk away that the jolt of pain.

"what was that for!" i rub my side and she sits up, breathing.

"i couldn't breathe properly you dumbass!" she says, still taking huge gasps of air. "it felt like a whole pig was on me." she shoves me gently and i fall off the bed, not realising how close i was to the edge.

"emma what the fuck?" i rub my ass, huffing as i sit sourly on the bed.

"aw are you mad?" she coos, messing up my hair. i grunt, taking my phone and mindlessly pretending to be busy.

"noah. noah. noah."


"don't pretend to be busy, my dude, no one is texting you." she continues poking me but i continue ignoring her.

she jumps on my back as a last resort, wrapping her hands around my neck. i put my phone down and stand up quickly, making her scream, grabbing on tightly as i hook her legs up. I flip her to my front effortlessly and throw her gently back down the bed, kissing her. fuck, i've been wanting to do this all day. she still has her legs around my waist, pulling me towards her as we kiss. my heart is beating so fast, and all i can taste is her. "fuck." i moan, tugging at her hair.


i've been forcing emma to take selfies with me as we visit the tourist attractions that she wanted to, but after i purposely mess with her in nearly ever picture we've taken so far, she refuses to take another. i scroll through the pictures in my phone, seeing her hair being messed up in one, me suddenly yelling and scaring her mid shot, and one of me pulling her cheek. i laugh to myself, uploading the last one on instagram.

"don't be mad at me," i jog to her, realising how far ahead she has walked without me. she's snapping photos, ignoring my presence. i jump in front of the camera, making funny faces. she snaps away, laughing at me. she really can't stay mad at me for long.

"okay, noah, okay."

"noah centineo!" someone shouts from across the park we were passing through so loudly that i almost duck. i turn around, protectively pulling emma towards me. oh hell no.

"i didn't know you're back." the blonde greets me, her hair flying in the wind.

"uh i am, hi joceline." i reply, bored of this conversation already. we had a messy breakup because i found out she cheated. but i didnt really bother confronting her about it, because i had came back after being away filming for 6 months to find her in bed with another guy, so i just left and blocked her. i didnt have the time and energy for that, but being cheated on does do things to a person. to this day, i dont think she knows i found out.

"wanna catch up over coffee? we have so much to talk about." are you kidding me right now? "what? too famous to even tell me you wanted to break up so you upped and left?" i nearly choke on my saliva.

"no, i dont want coffee with a cheater." i spit, grabbing emma's hand and walking away in anger. i don't bother to turn around and look at the girl. emma struggles to catch up with my large steps, so i slow down slightly for her.

"sorry about that. i uhh..she....?"

"noah. why are you even apologizing to me? you didnt do anything wrong! geez i thought she was gonna beat me up." emma looks motified, looking back at where we had just walked over from. joceline didnt manage to follow us, which is fortunate.

"god i want to kiss you to death." i hug her tightly, breathing in the scent of her fresh fruity shampoo.

"to death? that's a bit much." she giggles, her shoulders shaking slightly. "let's go, it's getting late, and we have to meet taylor and jake soon."

i grumble, not wanting to meet my sister and her boyfriend. theyve both been teasing me over emma, saying how i've never been so whipped and whatnot. i just can't catch a break from them.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2019 ⏰

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