ichi | i kinda want to squish her

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"i don't want a girlfriend." i say loudly. ben and amanda both give me a pointed look.

"listen it was a mistake. i got catfished. how was i supposed to know? the fans will forget about it."

"noah the image is bad. you're trending on pornhub. we don't want people to focus on that rather than your works. we're supposed to pair you and lana up but she's already dating so it'll look too fake, so-" ben says but i cut him off.

"so you think me fake dating a complete stranger is going to appear less fake? who even agreed to be my fake girlfriend. where did you even get her from?"

"she's studying film and media here on a scholarship. she's got a perfect record."

"she's not even from here?"

"yeah we thought we'd go all out. she's asian too." amanda offers. it's not that i have anything against asian girls it's just that isn't it a tat too obvious that we're pushing this for the media?

"oh for fucks sake this is gonna look like i'm trying way too hard."

"noah it's only gonna be for 6 months, or at most a year tops. you'll be gaining a lot of media attention." ben is stern and i know there's no getting out of this one. he may have shitty tactics but he's a good manager and i don't want to argue with him. he does have my best interest at heart.

"if this fails do you know how much shit we'll be in? there's going to be so much backlash i dont even want to think about it." i try once more.

"you arent new to the industry. you know people do this all the time. dont try that shit with me, noah. you can't back out of this, its not up for discussion. shes on her way here now anyway. you can get to know each other first, then we can plan our next move." amanda's typing away on her phone , im assuming she contacting the girl.

"her name is emma, shes 19 but she'll be 20 in october." hold up.

"you know im 22 right? shes 3 years younger than me? what the fuck ben!" this is getting crazier. this is going to look so weird theres no way we're pulling this off.

"shes born in 1998, so 2 years, which is fine. calm down." ben sighs and i know he's frustrated but i am too. this is absurd.

"im going down to get here, please noah, dont be hostile." amanda warns before leaving the room with her usual air of elegance. love that woman but shes so businesslike and professional, it sort of intimidates me.

"it's gonna be alright noah, stop stressing. something tells me you'll enjoy this anyway. im gonna go sort out some paperwork, you better sit your ass here." why would i enjoy a fake relationship? im not that horny. theyre really not going to let me live this one down.

jack: bros, want to come over for xbox later?

luke: im in. pizza?

i check my phone, seeing texts from my friends. if im meeting this girl now, it's probably gonna take a while.

noah: may pop by slightly later

"hey." a new voice makes me swivel my chair around and look up from my phone. she looks at me for a second and look out of the door. i see an arm nudging her in, probably amanda.

i get up from my chair to greet her. "hey im noah." she shakes my hand, and i notice how small she is. shes barely reaching my shoulders, and her hand feels so tiny in mine.

"yeah i know. im emma. so uhm..did they tell you what we're supposed to do?" she plops down on the couch and i follow suit.

"just to get to know each other i guess." i think for a while before blurting, "why did you take the job? whats so fun about being a fake girlfriend?" it comes off a little harder than i expected.

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