hachi | we can all date you

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"sup roomie i need help with this." chloe collapses on my bed, passing me her laptop with her paper she did for her economics course. i took economics back in junior college and she just assumes i can help her with her work.

"i can only help you proof read, chloe. i don't think ill fully understand this. come on, i'm not the business major here." i read through my notes on the history of film as she begs me to help her hit the word criteria.

"i've got a bunch of assignments. can this wait? is it urgent?" i flip through my film log on my laptop. ive been watching a lot of old class films recently because of this module that i'm taking, which is also why i haven't watched noah's.

"it's due tomorrow." she gives me her best puppy eyes and sweetest smile and i groan. she's always doing her assignments last minute, i sometimes question why she's in university at all.

"i'll cook something tonight!" she exclaims as i take her laptop from her.

"why not you just clean the dorm? we all know you can't cook, i'll just do it later." i turn my attention to her essay, rephrasing her sentences to extend it. every time i help her with her work, it's almost like i'm the one taking the course. she always tells me i'm naturally gifted in the subject, which is what my parents used to say. i finish up her paper just as she finishes packing up all her dirty clothes into the laundry basket and her clean clothes into her wardrobe.

noah: hey, think i can get some food today if you're not busy?

emma: sure! any requests? i can see what i can do.

noah: surprise me. preferably meat though, i'm starving. i'll be at your dorm in about 1 and half hours? i'm still on set, just thought i'll give you a heads up.

emma: haha okay see you.

"cloe, noah is coming over for dinner so please behave. what do you feel like eating?"

"udon? ramen? i don't know, what do we have? and why is he coming just to eat?"

"he paid for the groceries remember? is chicken rice good for you?" i find a box of chicken rice spices my cousin sent from singapore.

"that shit slaps, obviously i'm down!" ever since being my roommate, chloe has become more educated on asian food that i grew up on.

i prep the chicken and start cooking the rice with the spices and chopped ginger. chloe is bouncing around when the aroma starts spreading around the dorm.

"by the way, i stalked your mans and his friends are actually pretty hot." chloe sighs dreamily.

"which friend?" im suddenly reminded of the fact that jack wants to meet her.

"he has a few?" i couldn't help but roll my eyes. the look she's giving me is the look of her wanting to hook up with every single one of them.

"you can tell noah to matchmake you but i'm not doing it for you." i shut her ideas down before she could even voice them. i know she'll ask, the girl is probably the most outgoing person i've met.

noah arrives on time, exclaiming in delight when he smells the aroma.

"pretty boy, you're in for a treat." chloe shuts the door behind him.

"it's chicken rice. i don't think it's fully authentic, because i used premixed spices, but it's still familiar." i scoop them both a plate of rice with some chicken.

"there's more chicken, if you need more." i settle down around the coffee table with them.

"my girl can cook huh? you really are fake dating the best." chloe comments and i nearly choke. even if we are fake dating, we can still be friends. she keeps bringing up the fake dating thing and it does make me feel slightly awkward.

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