go | hunny, so you didnt have sex?

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"oh my god! she brought mochi! i think i'm going to marry her." cierra was running around on set distributing the dessert emma brought after emma shyly passed them to her. i'm getting my makeup done but from where i'm standing i could see everything, including emma standing awkwardly not knowing what to do with herself.

i see hayden approach her, holding out his hand. she's smiling at him and he starts talking about something. she's nodding and keeping the conversation going, until a crew member shouts for him.

"noah, hurry up!" maia shouts and i scurry over, seeing that emma was in the safe hands of teri and sherri. why was i even worrying about her? 

we're on break and i'm sitting alone on the couch, everyone else trying to talk to emma.

"i like her. where did ben find her?" teri sits beside me on the couch.

"she's in university, something about theatre and media studies. she's on a scholarship so she stays in the dorms. did i mention that she's not even 20 yet?" i tell her basically everything i know about the girl. i look at teri, who has gone quiet.

"so she's in the US alone?" i shrug because i didn't even know. it suddenly dawned on me. she told me she didn't know a lot of people here and i've only seen her around chloe.

"noah i can tell you don't really like her, or rather why you got to know her. but i talked to her earlier and she really does seem to be like a really good kid." she pats my back and walks back to where the crowd is, leaving me alone. was it that obvious that i didn't like having a fake girlfriend? emma looks happier than any other time than she's been with me alone, because she's actually smiling and she looks comfortable with them.


"how was your day? they didn't overwhelm you did they?" i ask emma as she gets into my car. she practically beaming from ear to ear and bouncing along.

"nope! they're all so nice! hayden and your moms are really cool too! cierra and maia wanted me to make more food for them, i'm glad they enjoyed it." she babbles and i find myself smiling.

"that's good. we have to go on another fake date this weekend, but if you want you can come here with me again next week? i probably can't pick you though, my call times are all early. you can come over after class, or if you want to come to monday? i can text you the timings." i know she doesn't have classes on mondays, but she usually studies.

"yes please! i mean- sure! you don't mind do you?" she seems slightly wary, as if i'm going to get mad at her. maybe i haven't been the nicest to her.

"sorry," i blurt and she looks at me in confusion. "you know, for being an ass last week."

"noah i told you that day you came over, it's completely fine, i understand, you dont have to apologize. i just wanted to make sure you're cool with it." she puts her small hand on top of mine, which was resting on the middle of the car.

"i just wanted to let you know im sorry." i rev up the car engine and she snuggles into her sweater.

"i didn't know it got so cold in new york. have you always lived here?"

"nope, actually i only moved here recently. i lived in LA since i was 15, but i didn't like the vibes there. and we had to come over here to shoot good trouble, and i fell in love so i moved here."

"oh thats... cool." she sounds confused.

"LA is on the west coast, we're on the east coast." i laugh. she's the first person i know who hasnt lived long in america. she laughs it off, saying that she's only been to new york.

asian; noah centineoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora