"Taani, you are coming with me and you are going to apologise to Kriya, right now!" He demanded his tone sharp and strict, jaw clenched as he warned her not to retort to his demand.

              "No.." She whispered she sat down on the the stairs once again, Rey was right here it was obvious that it wasn't Rey who was in a problem, what was it that was fearing her so much... What was calling for her? Or rather who was calling out for her?

                "Alright, then stay like that and let people assume you are a freak!Come talk to me when you have got some sense of how to react in public." He stormed out of the Fire exit and went straight home. He couldn't bare listen to the dance team bitch about his girlfriend. He wanted to defend her, but he knew it was her fault; irrespective of what you thought of a person, giving someone a life threat is a big deal.

          Taani closed her eyes as her tears dropped one by one. She didn't need Rey now, she needs to know what is wrong so she can fix it. It's like she is losing someone important. She can feel it, it's her magic that is trying to break all of its boundaries to reach where it is needed the most. But where? Who needs her?


            Swayam searched his sister everywhere, he knew she needs him.
He ran like a mad man in the 3rd floor of the college building looking around all the abandoned classrooms, but to no vail.

             "Swayam!" Sharon's sharp call made him stop in his tracks as he heard her heels clicking at a running pace behind him, he turned to see her run towards, "Taani is in the Fire exit;2nd floor, I saw Rey storming out of it!" She informed all breathless.

              "Thanks, love! I want you to go and attend the lectures like nothings wrong alright? I'll see you, later!" he mumbled as he once again ran down from the direction where his lady love had ran towards him.

                 "Arjun, we have lost a lot of people to this war! And many more are going to go... There might come a time where you'd think that its all hopeless and that you want to give up, but trust me; son you have to fight, you and your siblings are our last hope. And we will support you no matter what! And remember of every innocent soul lost to this war, more 10  darker souls are added to be demolished in our list!" the old man with grey hair mumbled in his thick voice but his varying gaze not fixed upon the youngblood untill he reached the part where he spoke about the innocent souls.

           Arjun still couldn't focus on anything being said, he quietly sat down in a room foul of Sheilds with his head down and his foot tapping the wooden flooring in continuous rhythm. He just wants to run back home, something feels wrong about being her.

          He ignored the old man, and closed his eyes to focus on his magic, to show him the right path. His magic and his blood both wanted to break there barriers to reach somewhere and he needs to know exactly where...

          Upon closing his eyes, he saw her happy face smiling and talking to his mother.

         "Naina beta, are you sure you don't want to know the gender of the child? You know Swayam can tell us, in a matter of seconds! Huh knowing him, he already knows the gender!" his mother asked affectionately.

         "No, mum I and Arjun have spoken about it, we want it to be a surprise and I'm glad that Swayam hasn't yet disclosed it to us!"Naina smiled gleefully.

           An unplanned small smile grazed his own lips. He concentrated again as he felt a wave of horror hit him.

        His attention and magic not coordinating well with each other as the sudden panic started to increase. As he felt his magic and blood revolt against himself. He stood up abruptly as all the fellow members of the sheild eyed him questionningly.

            "I beg your pardon my fellowmen, but I have to go.. I believe..there are some urgent matters that I need to look into. So if you'll please excuse me! "

                 "Like father, like son. Shekhawat men, wouldn't forget their etiquettes even in life threatening situations." The old man grumbled as he saw the young wizard leave the small cottege.

             "Taani, are you okay?" Swayam asked as soon as he reached his sister  who sat there her feet shaking and her hands literally uprooting her hair.

            "Swayam, something is wrong. My magic, its reacting to something.. Something is wrong!" She said as soon as she felt her brother's calm demeanor next to him.

             "What do you mean?"

              "I don't know Swayam, you are the smart one, tell me what is going on with me?" She screeched.

              And that's when they saw it, a wild cat in an misty  form. The wild cat floated on the top of their head before disappearing in thin air.

            "Mum.." the duo brokenly whispered befored conjuring their wands out of thin air.

             Taani was the first to leave and Swayam left the next second before magically typing a message to Sharon.

            Going home, something terrible has happened...




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