Chapter 5: Shao Cheng Hui (Burnt to Ashes)

Start from the beginning

            "Poisoning?  That is...that is going too far." Qingheng clicked his tongue and shook his head side to side.

            "Uncle, does it also make your heart ache to know that you have mentally imprisoned our aunt?" Little Zhan asked.

            "That..." Guangshan said to himself.

            During the three years of isolating Yunlin away from him, did Guangshan ever feel anything?  The idea was suggestd by Qingheng himself, the elder brother of Yunlin.  It was only right that Guangshan did not feel shame or hurt to know that HE was not the one that came up with the 'barbaric' idea. 

            Barbaric idea?

            So, Guangshan DID feel ache in his heart to know that his wife was imprisoned in her own mentality...but even Guangshan had an elder brother who loved him dearly.  Guangmeng, his elder brother was willing to give everything up for Guangshan's own happiness.  However his elder brother was only brutally murdered in the end by the hands of his own beloved. 

            Should Guangshan even go back and ask himself...if he ever felt hurt to know that he had been emotionally abusive to Yunlin, his own wife...or mistress? 

            However, there had been a certain point in his life where Guangshan fell madly in love with her...and perhaps that time alone would remain frozen forever; their first encounter in Caiyi Town, Gusu. 

            "Zhan er," Qingheng started with a low tone voice.  "Learn how to read your fellow elders, son."

            Not meaning to be the little comedic boy in the room, Little Zhan went silent for a bit then concentrated on Guangshan with his icy and blank canvas stare.  Feeling as if there was some static connections stabbing him, Guangshan looked at Little Zhan and found the boy staring hard into the Jin leader's imaginary soul.  Noticing the somewhat impolite gesture, Huan waved one of his hand in front of Little Zhan and immediately the young boy blinked in and out, turning his head away from Guangshan.

            "Zhan, what were you doing?" Huan asked with a nervous smile while an imaginary sweat scrolled down his face.           

            "Brother, I was trying to read him." Little Zhan simply replied, sending a whole ton of quiet laughter into the room.

            "Anyways," Qingheng began and cleared his throat, trying to turn the comedic atmosphere around.  "...Is there a way we can take another tour around this wide palace of yours?"

            "What?" Guangshan asked.

            Qiren, the younger Lan siblings and Guangshan immediately looked at the Lan leader, knowing that if the Gusu Lan sect guests made an open tour in the Jin sect's palace again, trouble would arise with Yunlin.  Although he knew they had to be quiet as Gusu Lan guests...Qingheng simply just wanted to walk around the buildings of gold designs and remind himself of how lucky Yunlin was to be able to marry such a prestigious terms of weath.

            "Uhm...Qing nei-xiong (Elder brother in law Qing), did we not all agree that we cannot be doing that in case we rise the suspicion of Yunlin?" Guangshan asked again, trying to make sure that they were all going to go according to what they had planned just yesterday.

            Now that Qiren had thought about it, even though they were there as secret guests from Gusu, it was important to be reminded of the layout for the Lanling Jin palace since Qingheng and Qiren was there to specifically...execute their younger sister.  It was only common sense that the long time preys should know where the predator would run to if the predator wanted to escape back into the wild.

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