BTS when at home

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Jin: cooks for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The one who always looks for a dirt and cleanses it directly. Will not be stressed because he keeps herself at poise.

RM: at his room..all day. And no one even knows if he's studying or watching some( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) will go oit of his room only when called to eat

Suga: the one who sleeps all day and doesn't want to be disturbed or else you'll be crawling your way to the door to leave, will help you do your assignments if you ask him nicely, he's SUGENIUS

J-Hope: the one who helps Jin clean the house. He keeps the members happy and doesn't want to see them sad. In short like Jimin, he's your happy pill.

Jimin: He always excercises and dances and sings to improve himself. But if you need help, he's your angel, fairy, and mochi that's always there for you.

Taehyung: he's this weirdo guy, you'll just find him having two squashes on both his eyes because he said it makes people have more clearer sight

Jungkook: he's lazy to do chores because he just plays video games all day. Will shout at you if he looses the game, finds a person to blame for being the loser at the game. Will scream very hard and jumps to the person if he wins

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