If BTS were dying

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So this chap is requested by LazyHeadd  😂😂😂 Hahahaha.. Hope you enjoy.

Jin: /grabs his chest hardly/ *takes a deep breath* I-I hope you k-keep in mind that, you should wear pink clothes everyday.
BTS: Psshh.. -_- Die already.

Suga: At last!! I want to go out of this world! At least I can bring ma chain.
Taehyung: You can't bring a thing on heaven.
Suga: Don't care.

J-Hope: My life is doomed!! I can't see rainbows, unicorns!
Jungkook: Hyung. The unicorn can bring you there.
J-Hope: Really?! Well, I'm ready.

Rapmon: I don't wanna die! I'm too young.
Jimin: /whispers to J-Hope/ At last! Hyung is gonna die. I can have jams.
Rapmon: /sensed/ I can't let Jimin have jams. /fights/

Jimin: Noooooo!! I can't have jams!!
Rapmon: Yes!
Jimin: Nooo!!

Taehyung: It's okay that Bwi will die. I still have a second life.

Jungkook: No! I'm healthy. I'm strong.

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