BTS in a parallel world

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RM: Oh, poor little flower. You want me to revive you? /touches the withered flower and revives/ You're okay now. *sighs* I hope I can stay in this parallel world, so they can't call me The God of Destruction, because I'm now, The Reviving God.

Jin: What happened to my perfect face?! /looks at his face full of pimples/ Poor face. Well, at least I still have my voice. /sings Awake/ WHAT?! Why does my voice sound like my husband's?!

Suga: YEAH!! This is the swaeggest place I've went! /dances Pied Piper choreography/ WOOOOOOOOHHHHHH! /went to RM/ Hey RM! Stop reviving things and dance with me! WOHOOO! Yeah! /shakes his booty to RM's face/

J-Hope: Doomed, Darkness, Downfall. /the spotlight is on him/ WHERE IS HOWFPEU IN THICHEU PLAJEU?! Hello, my name is J-Doom! I'm your snakeu!

Jimin: /tries to sing in a high-pitch note but ended sounding like Suga/ What happened to my voice? /tries to dance DNA choreo but ended looking like RM's dancing/ And my dancing too?

Taehyung: /walks and wanders his eyes around/ This place is different from the real one. In this place, your personality will be opposite. So that means I'm mature?

Jungkook: /hears what Taehyung said/ WHAT?! Wait..... So does that mean.. I'm not the youngest anymore? /goes to J-Hope/ Hey J-Doom! I'm the eldest now, go get me a coffee.

RM: *sighs* /looks at Jimin touching his jams/ OW! Jimin has jam-----------------------

Jin: What happened?
RM: I had the worst nightmare.

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