Chapter 39 - Chaotic chaos

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Ranran was the one who led the way onto the deck. It was completely desolate. The lights of a hundred ships twinkled in the harbour. The four made themselves at home on a sack pile by the side of a warehouse. Shinichi checked the time by turning on the light on his flashlight wristwatch.

"It's just after midnight," Shinichi whispered.

"Nobody's here," Takuma yawned.

"I really hope Shinichi's ship is spot on."Michio sighs, before checking the time, "How long are they gonna come anyway?"

"Not yet," Ranran cautioned. "They will, though. However..." she sighs, "I hope neither of your parents will murder you for being late after all of this is done."

"How come neither of your parents are furious at you for being out this late?" Takuma shift his gaze to Shinichi and Ranran.

"They are still out at work overseas."Shinichi pointed out.

"Also, their grandparents are out attending social events. Plus my mom thinks I am looking after these two here at their house."Michio pointed at Shinichi at Ranran while explaining to Takuma, before staring along the empty dockside, making sure they are all safe.

"Did you lie to your parents about your location?" Ranran voiced her concern to Takuma, adding, "I'm very sure they're going to bar you from seeing me after tonight."

"I told my paternal aunt from the bathhouse earlier that I am going to watch some movie with you guys till midnight. It wasn't the first time I hung out that late anyway, at least with my ex-friends."Takuma grin proudly.

"Neh guys, why is it Ran and the girls are taking so long to respond?"Shinichi again dialled the number, but there was no response.

"I wonder if the area there has no signal."Ranran frowned at that thought.

"Serious, what are the girls doing there so long, I wonder..."Michio couldn't help but grumble.


The large ring on Rupert's ear glittered in the moonlight. The vehicle had been parked behind another warehouse. He and Griffith drove the girls to the farthest end of the pier, where they stood in the shadow of a big crane. Concrete steps went down to the water, where a strong fishing boat was anchored. A little dinghy bobbed behind it in the early morning tide. Rupert held the pistol steady as his merciless eyes surveyed the horizon.

"The cargo ship Josephine Bonaparte should be here at dawn," he told Griffith.

The three girls shared a quick glance."So that's what Josphine meant," Emiko whispered.

"It's a ship. If only we could tell the others."Junko groaned.

"You're not going to tell anyone," Rupert hissed, elevating her chin with the tip of the gun. The metal felt cold on her flesh. "You're going on a small boat ride."

"Where are you taking us?" Ran confronts nervously.

"You wanted to see the white tiger," Rupert sneered. "Well, soon you will!"


Dawn crept into the sky. The sound of an engine jolted Ranran to her feet. A sleek motor launch approached the dock a few metres away from where they were concealed.

"It's the Snake!" Ranran alerted the others discreetly.

"Finally, he's arrived!" Michio increased his alert instincts.

They edged forward for a better view as a man leapt up onto the dock and stood looking out across the ruffled waters of the harbour. A smudge moved on the horizon, slowly becoming the squat outline of a small freighter nosing into port.

T.A series volume 1: The Extinction HeistWhere stories live. Discover now