Epilogue bonus - Past Retribution

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As a criminal feared by many, it was rare that Mr Echis, a.k.a The Snake, had a couple of days off from work.

Having planned and executed dozens of heists, he had never been caught. Crime never sleeps, it haunts when it is least expected. Even when he was a kid, he was always looking for ways to make fast money. And it paid off - he had a beautiful home.  Of course, he had always been careful. He had planned and plotted for years and had never made a mistake.

However, The Snake himself is regardless a human. One can never work 24/7 non-stop like a robot.

Sitting down in his private office, situated in his lavished mansion hidden somewhere that no one knows about aside from his trusted deputies, he groaned with a mask on his head. The Snake rarely ever takes out his mask, even at home when his daughter is around. Right now, his daughter is out during school hours, so she won't be back till 3 hours from now.

Occasionally, however, he would remember the words of his former employer, that woman back in the U.K who murdered her own flesh and blood. Even though she was a shitty mother, at least she knew how to take care of her employees when her husband left with his mistress and married her later on.

Now, with several days to himself, when he had time off, usually he cools himself by watching the movies he likes. Mainly The Godfather. Especially on a quiet Wednesday. As a father, the last thing he wants is his daughter to watch this kind of movie, even though she is very much aware of what he works in his professional life.

The Snake quietly watch the movie with the projector playing out its content on the screen. No matter how many times he watched it, he can never get tired of it.

After that white tiger incident, he had to come up with another exotic animal to give to one of his connection's 50th birthday. Originally after he got word that the contact of interest wanted a white tiger rug to decorate his office, he thought of Mr Rupert and initially considered him handing the tiger over. Peace of cake.

However, Mr Rupert was an addictive gambler. He didn't care if the risk are high, as long as he reaps in the rewards, he will go of it without thinking of the consequences.

The same goes whenever he supplies The Snake animals from the circus. It has been 2 years since The Snake loaned him the money to buy over the circus. Although the investment was worth it, Mr Rupert got greedy as he began sending out more animals than originally discussed, tipping off other circus performers as more animals began going missing to fund Mr Echis's criminal empire.

That's right, things got so bad, the previous owner who happens to be the son of the late circus ringmaster decided to buy the cages himself to lock them all up, and entrusted the keys to one of the circus performers rather than Mr Rupert. If it was feeding time, Mr Rupert had no choice but to cut the food into smaller pieces before feeding them to the animals. After all, Mr Rupert retaliated in response by locking the tent to prevent the other performers from seeing the animals.

But there was a little on what Rupert can do. A circus can't run without animals. No matter what, he is still under the mercy of those performers. Even when he was put in charge of transporting the animals over, he can only transport them silently as he had men push the wagon cage containing those said animals.

Then, The Snake had an idea.

Not long ago, he lost money thanks to some idiot having stolen a couple of his forged historical documents. The same one The Snake had one of their men sell it to this pawn shop and secretly scammed them for over a year. Serve them right, since that pawnshop had a reputation for undervaluing valuable items customers would often bring over to pawn.

If it wasn't for that idiot, The Snake could have made 4 million yen more.

So he wrote a note and had someone send it over to the prison where he was placed in. The Snake called it a debt Watanabe owes. But then when he got word from Watanabe that he came in contact with some boy fishing, had some major concerns.

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