Chapter 13 - Show me

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"Ranran, bad news. Yoshi is here, and he is demanding you meet him."

"What!? Is he serious right now?" she scoffed in class, before she said to Reina, "He shouldn't be allowed to enter within school premises, to begin with, now that he voluntarily transferred to another school permanently."

"But somehow he manages to tell security he is here to collect his stuff before moving into a new school, so...."

Is Reina bloody serious right now!?

Ranran couldn't help but sigh as everyone's eyes seemed to be focused on her in class, especially a concerned Takuma, "Man, I knew he is a dick, but whom knew he be just like his mother, such a pain-in-ass?" he gritted his lips before returning to his friend, "Ranran, why not I suggest you call the cops onto him? He isn't a student here anymore, after all, so he has no right to make unreasonable demands to meet you."

"It's because he is a 6-year-old kid like us that I can't do it. If it was his mother I could've easily done so, since there is no reason for an adult to remain here now that her son is gone. Anyway," she sighs once more as she stood up, "I am gonna deal with this problem once and for all."

"But Ranran, what if it were a trap to frame you?"Takuma grew worried.

"I been in this trade far longer than he did, if he thinks he can frame me, he has no idea what I am capable of." she reassured him before turning to Reina, "now tell me where is the moron so that I can go tell him off."


Ranran marched towards the music room, her face of determination was pretty evident as other kids walk by, her mind exploring her options as to how to deal with this Yoshi. Should she call his father? His father is an influential figure who cares about his reputation, so much so, if he finds out his son is being might be enough. Ranran's only concern now is how much of an influence his wife has over him, considering the both of them didn't end on good terms when she confronted her in school. If their marriage is good, using his dad is pointless as he is likely to side his wife over her.

"Alright, "Ranran then fish out her smartphone, tapped around before selecting an app as she grins, "If I Livestream this and shared this on our school confession page, let's see what he has to say."Upon sliding through the door with her phone in her hands, she was expecting a horrified little boy for exposing his misdeed.

Much to her surprise, instead of Yoshi standing before her, it was a little boy whose face resembles hers. This made her eyes grow wide, "Seriously? I thought it was odd that the student council called me out of the blue."She narrowed her eyes at him before stopping her Livestream and shoving her smartphone back into her skirt pocket.

"That's your response?!"Shinichi was in disbelief over the lack of remorse she had since the break-in, "On someone, you nearly killed with your own hands!?"

"Or else what were you expecting? Should I go 'Oh no, he is alive! I should silence him before he tells everyone I pointed a gun at you the other day for breaking into my house!"Ranran mockingly acted like Shinichi.

"I ain't that overly dramatic like some duke in distress, mou!"He spluttered at her impression of him.

"Yeah right," She sneered, "it was the exact impression you showed that night."

"You pointed a freaking gun at me! A real gun! Who wouldn't be in my shoes!? Plus, no kid would just aim at another kid with a gun!"He cried in anger.

"Any person would, "He looked at her as she justifies, "especially when one knows a little girl is living on her own with no adult around."

Before she knew it, he had a bitter expression on his face.

She can tell he is in a bad mood, probably from the scolding he receives from his parents after breaking into her house."So you lied to Reina about wanting to meet me just to confront me, huh?"Ranran silently stared at Shinichi's expression, his eyes covered by his bangs. She pondered his motives for calling her out here. He is definitely here to show his displeasure towards her.

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