Chapter 21 - Struggles of an Apprentice

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"EH!? The school is considering abolishing the school uniform ruling!?"

Shinichi blinked his eyes in confusion at Ranran, then at Takuma plus his girlfriend as they were hanging out in class, with very few kids having remained in class as most of them had left to do their activities that ain't related to school.

Or in Shinichi's opinion, they headed out to see the ongoing drama that has been taking place since this morning involving the scout members of Teitan Elementary school.

Each of them had a seat as they surrounded themselves closely to avoid others listening to their conversation.

"Yes."Reina sighs.

The more he thought about it the more it didn't make sense, cause as far as he had been here, Teitan Elementary had always been a school that sticks to old tradition and rarely embraces the new. That's why Shinichi was shocked when Reina announced the school may consider allowing kids enrolling here to wear whatever they want, and that school uniform is no longer a requirement. "Why?"Shinichi asks.

"You know that fight that took place earlier this morning?"Reina brought it up.

"What, you mean the one involving those 4 kids punching each other out while they talk crap of Ranran earlier?"Takuma spat in annoyance, having taken another bite of the gourmet burger Ranran promised him earlier this morning. The beef Ranran ordered for him, especially the medium-rare she specifically requested, really was the juiciest burger he has ever eaten.

"This morning..."Shinichi's eyes were on the floor as he thinks solemnly rubbing his chin, "If I was not mistaken...based on what I heard among other kids, there were accusing each other of stealing money of that sort."

"It ain't money alone, one of the members even accused the other of stealing her spare school uniform, as it went missing, along with her....big girl pants."Reina added as she shakes her head over the situation, "I truly never would've imagined that even a child our age is capable of doing something that vile!" she spats in disgusts.

In school, the kids here are taught to address girls' panties as 'big girl pants for some reason, and even to this day, Ranran has no idea why the school would come up with such rules, as she sucks through the straw with the drink in her hand. Under school rules, Teitan Elementary takes this very seriously if that sort of thing goes missing, especially if it is suspected to have been stolen. This was something Ranran is aware of as they were briefed about this before starting school here.

"If I wasn't mistaken, I heard the thief was caught, right?"Shinichi recalled having heard other kids talking about it earlier this morning as he was heading to class, "I heard he was some sort of pervert? Why is that?"Shinichi took his can of drink as he drinks it, the orange soda soothing his throat.

"Well, I heard that he enjoy dressing up like a girl, "Ranran answered.


Shinichi's orange juice blasted out of his mouth and nose as he turned his head away from the kids, not before he coughed violently as Ranran shook her head at him, "You seriously need to learn how to contain your drink when it comes to listening such news, Shinichi."

"How can I help it?"Shinichi argued, putting his drink aside on his desk as he goes, "Dressing up as a girl? Who does that!? He is a boy for God's sakes!" Shinichi pointed out.

"Boy or not, I don't ever wanna be in 'that guy's shoe now that he is in deep trouble, since everyone in school now knows he is a pervert since he enjoys dressing up like a girl."Takuma rolled his eyes lazily, frowning a little that he is about to finish eating the burger as he wished it be bigger so he could enjoy it a little longer. Sighing, he finished the burger as he tilts his head sleepily, "Even thinking that he studies at the same school as us now....ugh..."Takuma felt chills shivering down his spine as he shakes his head as declared, "I don't want to be anywhere near him, such a disgusting thief. Not now nor ever!"

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