251 9 4

korean is italicizatized
english is normal(?)

'did he really just leave?? how stupid can he be?'

You stood in the middle of the room. Not waiting for anything, not planning to run. You just stood there, no intentions in doing anything. It was way past your bed time and exhausted wasn't even the word you would use to describe how you're feeling.

You could hear the boys from earlier on the other side of the wall and the door connecting the rooms but couldn't begin to make sense of their foreign words.

'i need to eat something.' you thought to yourself before you waddled into the small area where you could see a fridge. Nothing. That's what you saw when you opened it.

'of course there's nothing it's a freaking hotel room.' you said bitterly out loud to no one in particular.

The eerie glow coming off the outdated landline that was sitting on the table. Oh right! You could call someone for help.

You hurried over to the phone and picked it up but as soon as you were about to punch in the number you just stopped. As if you were scared to touch it. You couldn't remember any phone numbers, come to think of it not even your own. You tried even harder this time. Nothing.

Why couldn't you remember a simple set of numbers that you've had memorized since first grade? What did they do to you?

You looked for any sign or plaque that would've shown the numbers to call, even if it was just a number to call the lobby. Something. Anything at this point.

It felt like you just couldn't remember anything. You sat on the bed and almost as if you called him into the room the door that connected the two rooms opened. The man who held you before appeared. His doe eyes soft and his hands cautious.

You didn't know what was so special about him but you felt less cautious around him. You felt like you've known him longer than the others. Still not dropping your guard though.

"hey, do you want to come over here so you're not alone?" he said quietly still holding a hand on the door knob. He knew you could hurt him so he kept his distance but he could also tell you had a liking to him. "It's only me and two others. We can maybe watch minecraft videos or something on my phone if you'd like." he said not trying to lose your attention as he saw you trying to read his body language but struggling.

'how did he know i liked that?' you panicked a little inside. You reluctantly shook your head slowly and stood up with your frog plushy in your hand.

He gave a smile of relief and held the door open for you. You went right underneath his arm and past his body but stopped when you stepped in the room. You didn't know where to go or what to do. Do you sit on one of the beds or at the table? Do you say hi to the man sitting in a lounge chair with his computer now staring at you?

Nope, you just stood there waiting for directions from the man with a cute face. "Come on." he waved you to a bed which had a laptop sitting abandoned and opened.

He sat with his back against the headboard and the once abandoned laptop sat in his lap. He pat the spot next to him. You reluctantly climbed up onto the bed and sat next to him. He was pulling up youtube. You just looked at the screen trying to see what he was gonna do next but he didn't do anything. You looked up at him to only find him staring back down at you.

"what do you want to watch?" he said with a small smile and turned his computer for you to type in something.

You thought about it for a second trying to remember what you would watch on a daily basis but it was hard. There was like a brick wall between you and your brain. But finally you could remember something. A name.

You typed in joey graceffa and looked at all the colorful videos that popped up. Finally something you remember. A wave of familiarity washed over you as you clicked on a minecraft video of his and you heard the intro. You didn't notice but a small smile crept into your face as you watched the mans computer. Someone didn't let your smile go unnoticed. It was the grey-haired man in the lounge chair. The cold one who gave you the red hoodie.

It must've been contagious because he gave an even bigger smile to no one in particular.

" I think she likes that video." He said to jungguk. The little one not even trying to understand what yoongi just said but instead just watched her video.

okie dokie i know this is long awaited but i'm just gonna continue this because i still think about it so much but i never upload and people keep adding this story. Thank you for still supporting this story even after i haven't uploaded in forever. Hopefully i can hold myself accountable and update the days i talked about💗

with much love, Author k<3

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