Day 2.25 Pt 2

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"Woooooo!!!!" Taehyung yelled as he waves his arms from side to side. His friends look at him weirdly but does the same. "Go Hoseok!!" They all yelled when Hoseok speed up his pace.

"Park Jimin!!!" They yelled once more when Hoseok passed the baton to Jimin who's running furiously.

"Hey.. You came." A tap was felt on Taehyung shoulder making him flinch a bit. He saw Yohan smiling at him. "Glad you came, daddy!" Yohan baby talked shaking Taeguk in his arms a bit. "Haha, of course I'll come, baby." Taehyung chuckled taking Taeguk out of Yohan's arms.

"Ah, I miss this little guy!" Taehyung showered his baby with kisses and rocked him a bit. "Jeon Jungkook!!!!" Taehyung heard Jin yelled. He immediately turned his attention to relay race.

He smiled widely seeing his Jungkook ran fastly, surprising the audiences. "Wooo! Go baby!!" He yelled softly and carefully to not make his son deaf.

Taehyung playfully raised Taeguk's small hands. "Come on, baby. Cheer for mommy!" He said playing with the baby's small arms. "Goooo mommy!!" He mimicked Taeguk's voice making the other three look at him.

"Oh, hyung. Cheer for my Jungkook too! Woo!!" He cheered still playing with his child. "Tae.. Why is Yohan and Ggukie here?" Jin asked. Namjoon just whispered a 'You're fucked.' to Taehyung. The younger bit his lip and gulped down.

He looked Yohan who seems nervous as well. "Uhhh.. They live in the neighborhood?" Taehyung said. Jin furrows his eyebrows and stared at Taehyung furiously. "Hyunggg! Stop staring like that! You're scaring me!!" Taehyung whined.

"Why?" Jin asked once again. Yoongi popped a piece of chip in his mouth enjoying the drama. "Umm.. I.. Actually.. Uhhh.. I actually work here and umm.. Ggukie lives here?" Yohan said with a nervous laugh to follow. Jin squinted his eyes not believing anything.

"Is this kid's name really Ggukie?" Jin asked. Yoongi took a sip out of his cola and eats more. He even offered Namjoon some. "Uhh.. Well.. Many kids here are given names and umm.."

"What I'm asking is.. Is Ggukie really this kid's name? Don't you two dare to lie to me!" Jin said, making the two gulped their own saliva.

"No.." Taehyung whispered. Jin scoffed and looked at his husband. Namjoon looked away and uses Yoongi as his shield. "You knew, didn't you?! And you never told me?! This child is Taeguk isn't he?!"

"He is..." Taehyung softly answered. "I'm sorry, hyung. It's just that... Everything is so complicated and.." Jin face softened. "I just want to know why didn't you two say anything to me? To us? To your wife? To Jungkook? Tae, he's Taeguk's mother no matter what."

"I know that hyung. I just want to fix everything before telling you and him." Taehyung said and he turned to looked at Jungkook who's celebrating his win. He beat the other players. Jimin and Hoseok ran to him and the three of them hugged. Jungkook grinned widely as the crowd's cheer satisfies his heart.

"If he knew.. That smile would disappear and he might leave me again.."


Sorry this is very short thank you for the 1.86k!!!!!!!

I was really really busy. I actually slept for 3 hrs today? 😂😂😂 School is helllllllllll

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