Day 5

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"So... Today?" Jungkook asked Taehyung over the phone. "Sorry, Kookie.. I'm a little busy today.. Sorry." Taehyung responded which made the younger disappointed. "Ah, no it's okay. I get it. Ah, the professor's here.. Bye."

Jungkook ended the call and sighed. He lied. The professor's absent and they have free time. He also didn't want to end the call only if Taehyung hadn't ruined his mood.

"Jungkookie? Why are you alone? Where's Hoseok?" Jimin asked when he saw the younger alone and sad. Jungkook shook his head and Jimin sat beside him. "What's wrong?" Jimin asked and patted his back. "Is it.. Taehyung?"

Jungkook face at him with a shook look and. (Jungshook).. "N-no.. Why would you think that?" Jungkook stammered. Jimin slightly frowned and shook his head.

"Nah. It's just.. The way you two look at each other means you're more than friends, Jungkook. You like him, don't you?" Jimin stated.

"What? No. How can... I..." And tears fell from his eyes. In such a short period of time.. How can someone fall that quickly? How can love change so quickly?

"Jungkook.. Hoseok-hyung didn't want me to tell you this but.. He told me you liked me.. I know.. Jungkook don't confuse yourself.. Liking someone as an individual is different from liking someone because they're nice to you. I know that you're just confuse and thought that you like me because I treat you well.. Jungkook you don't.. "

"Stop.." Jungkook whispered and tried to cover his ears but Jimin stopped him. "No, listen. Jungkook you don't like me like that! Wake up and accept someone else in your life! You're not a kid anymore!" Sobs and cries are the only thing you can hear from the empty classroom.

"Stop.. Telling yourself that you like me. Let yourself love someone you really love. Don't play with your own feelings, Jungkook. I love you as a brother and hates seeing you like this. You're the only one who'll accept and hurt the real you." Jimin smiled and wiped the younger's tears." Love yourself too, Jungkookie." Jimin burst into tears and the two hugged each other.

"Hyung!!!" Jungkook cried out loud. He knew all along.. He knew.. But it isn't ready to accept it within him. He was scared. Scared to really, truly love someone. Scared to love Taehyung.

"Kim Taehyung, how long are you going to play? It's more than enough. It's time for you to go home." Taehyung glared at the man speaking in front of him. "Who are you to decide when I can go back? You're not my family."

The man kept his poker face on. "I am. Now go pack your bags and shut this stupid shop down." As if it's a reflex that Taehyung stood up and punched the man hard on his cheek. The man collapsed on the floor and held his cheek.

Taehyung's chest went up and down as he gasp for air. "Don't ever come back here again." Taehyung's voice darkened and the man left the room.

"AHHHHHHH!!!" Taehyung screamed and threw all the things on his desk on the floor. His two hyung immediately rushed in and calmed him.

"Taehyung, look at me. Taehyung!" Yoongi called. Namjoon held Taehyung's arms to prevent him from hurting Yoongi. "LET GO!!" Taehyung yelled at them and struggled from Namjoon's grip.

"No! Listen to me! Taehyung! Look at me!" Yoongi held Taehyung's face forcefully. "Look at me.. You own Magic Shop. What is Magic Shop for, Taehyung?" Yoongi asked sincerely. The younger calmed down a little unlike before and murmured words.

"A place for remedy. A place to heal. A place inside our hearts. To fully understand how to love ourselves."

The two smiled and Taehyung collapsed. Namjoon and Yoongi managed to catch him and carry him to bed. "He calmed down easily this time. Maybe because of Jungkook?" Yoongi whispered and brushed the hair on Taehyung's forehead. "Yeah." Namjoon answered.

"But.. I think they're fighting. I don't know though. I think they both need space." The two older left the room and let the youngest one among them sleep.

A tear fell from Taehyung's eye.


I feel so lazy lately.. 😭😭It's like two days away before exams and here I am.. Relaxing 😂😂

Anyway!!! OMG!! I'm really looking forward to JUST DANCE and the whole LOVE YOURSELF ANSWER ALBUM!!!



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