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Rose's POV

I wake up sore, extremely sore. My legs hurt when I move it and also my arms. Every part of my body aches except my head. But I have to train today again while I'm in pain. It's not like I can just go up to Isaac and bat my eyelashes to persuade him to cancel training until I'm okay. They would want me to get in my training so we go home faster. Should I even call it my home? Even if I just lived there for a few days?


I struggle to sit up on the headboard of the bed, taking big breathes at the exercise. Mia comes into the room from the bathroom, also having a lotion with her.

"This will help with the pain," she comes towards me. I nod and slowly move the blanket off of me. Mia sits down on the bed next to me.

"Okay, you will have to raise your nightgown and... just get a towel to cover yourself up. Undress, wrap yourself in a towel, then you change for the day," she says. I groaned and unbuttoned my nightgown. Mia gets me my towel and passes it to me when I'm fully undressed. Well, I still have my undergarments on. She puts lotion on her hands and rubs it with her two hands. Then she starts massaging onto my legs. I groan in pain and squirm around, trying to get away from Mia.

"I'm not even doing it hard," she moves to the other leg.

"Sh-shut up. Just go softer," I groan as she massages my right leg.

"Just suck it up, this is going to help you," Mia says. I bit my lower lip to prevent me go groaning too loud. It hurt, imagine how much it'll hurt when I train today.

Kill me now.

So she stopped palpating my legs, she started to knead my arms. It didn't hurt as much as my legs, but they were sore from working on my punches yesterday. When she was done, she gets off the bed and goes to the bathroom to wash off the extra lotion on her hands. I go to see what to wear, which is similar to yesterday. Mia put yesterday's clothes on a hamper since it was sweaty and I was too tired to do it myself.

I got ready and we both went to go eat breakfast in the kitchen. Isaac and Herbert were talking and saw us. They greeted us, Herbert gets up and hugs me. Confused at his actions, I look to Isaac and Mia, who has the same expression as I do.

"Good morning, did you sleep well?" He pulls off of me, his hands still on my shoulders. I nod and he fully let's go.

"That's great to hear!" He says and he goes back to sitting next to Isaac. Mia grabs my arm and pulls me to where breakfast.

"That is weird," I whisper as I got my tray.

"Herbert hugging you? Oh yeah, very weird," Mia responds as she passes me a plate of food. I took it and put it on my tray.

"I felt uncomfortable," I continue.

"By your expression, you were beyond confused and uneasy. He didn't acknowledge you yesterday and then he suddenly hugs you right now. This is not his normal behavior," Mia gets out utensils and I take a bunch of napkins.

"Not his normal behavior?" I ask.

"He's with one of his gang member's sister. Cliché am I right? They're not married or even thinking about getting engaged, maybe for him he's not, but they have a child together of 1 year and a couple months. He's loyal to her and when they have arguments he comes here to let off steam. I don't know what happened this time but it must've been bad since normally he doesn't hug any girls even if he's not in good terms with his girlfriend," she explains.

"But he didn't hug you when he saw you yesterday. Why me?" I ask.

"That's the weird part. Maybe because you have royal blood or he's trying to get into your pants. It can be a mixture of both," she bluntly says. I widened my eyes at her.

"Don't worry, I won't let it happen," she smiles at me. I smile back and nod at her.

We reached the table, Mia sat next to Herbert and I sat next to her, having her as a barrier between Herbert and me.

"Why don't you sit on the seats across from us?" Herbert asks.

"I'm good here," I reply, giving him a fake smile. He nods and goes back to eating.

"The boys are taking long," Mia murmurs.

"And William says we take long," I roll my eyes.  Right on cue, William and Julian enter the room.

"Ugh, boys take so long," Mia says loud and clear. William glares at her but she doesn't care. I couldn't help but giggle, but I forced my mouth closed.

"Why can't boys do whatever their doing faster, gosh," she deepens her voice, mimicking William.

"You're so funny," William growls.

"When they get mad for no reason gets me annoyed," she keeps on going.

"You little-" Julian interrupts him as he pulls him to get their breakfast.

"Calm down," he whispers to him as they enter the kitchen.

"Nice," I held my hand up for a high five. She high fives me back and we started laughing.

"You know William doesn't like when people laugh at him," Isaac lowly says.

"I know but it's payback for those sexist comments," Mia explains to him. Isaac shrugs and continues eating.

Julian and William gets back and sits across from us on the bench. William glares at Mia, and she just smiles at him, getting him more annoyed. Julian and I looked at each other and to them. Breakfast was so quiet, you can hear the lady humming from the kitchen. Also, it went by quickly, surprisingly. We all have our dirty dishes to the ladylike yesterday.

"I'll talk to Herbert quickly as you all will set up for training today," Isaac commands. We nod and we went out different ways. Julian opens a closet door and gets all the familiar things from yesterday. Then we went outside to set up. Once we finished, we waited for Isaac. But no sight of him.

"Let's get it started, I want you to already start on actually punching someone," William says. Mia and I got ready to start running. The lotion is helping me, but I can tell once I start running the pain will come back.

We waited for the boys to set up and then William whistles loudly and Julian holds his hand up.

"Hold up! You need to stretch," he says.

"I totally forgot and we forgot yesterday as well," William facepalms himself.

"Okay then, let's stretch. These are the proper stretches to run," Mia started stretching and I follow her moves. Once we finished stretching, we went back to our positions and William whistled again and we took off.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2018 ⏰

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