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Rose's POV

"Carlos is having a seizure!"

Isaac stood up immediately and bolted out the door as Mia and William followed him. I turned around and looked at them exit the door, leaving me in the room alone. My heart was racing and I jut sat there shocked, frozen. Never in my life have I ever been in a situation like this. I never knew anyone that had a seizure or was in the same place that had one. Maybe a could of maids or butlers have had one but I wasn't told until they got back from their break. Sometimes they don't even come back.

I feel worse less here... wait... I probably am. I'm just sitting here like a lost puppy while someone is dying. As I took a couple of deep breaths and decided to go see. I stood up and went out to where the stairs where. When I reached towards everyone, they were all huddled up and Carlos was on the floor. I stood back, scared, not knowing what to do. C'mon, cut me some slack! I was never trained for scenarios like this. Just how to get away from kidnappers and hot to escape cells. Weird huh.

"Did you call her already?!" Isaac asks as he bent down to Carlos's level and held his head with his hands.

"She's not picking up!" Julian yells back.

"Now when we need her, she doesn't pick up. I will have a word with her when Carlos gets better," Isaac growls.

I slowly went closer to them and I see Carlos on the floor held by Isaac. His face was pale and he was biting his own tongue. There was a small puddle of drool on the floor and his eyes were looking to one side. His breathing was very short short.

"She picked up— Hello? Come over now! It's an emergency come now!" Julian hangs up the phone.

"I swear if she takes her sweet ass time I wi-" Isaac gets cut off by a loud banging on the door. Julian rushed to it and opens the door. When a unfamiliar person comes and peeps in, he just grabbed her forearm and dragged her to Carlos.

"He's having a seizure! Do something!" Eric yells. She gets on her knees and examines him.

"Everyone out! Isaac turn him over to his side to let his airways clear!" She commend and Isaac did as she said and left him there. We all went a few feet away from what is happening.

"What time did this happen?" She asks and she looks at the clock.

"At 12:45 to be exact," Eric replied. She nodded.

"Okay then, 10 minutes have passed," she said. She started to stretch the collar of Carlo's shirt, confusing me why she had to do that. But she's the expert, not me.

"Move the chairs and tables away ASAP!" She said. William, Julian, and Mia went running and move everything around to give Carlos some space.

"Bring a towel Haily!" She yells. Haily ran to a closet and brought a towel. The woman took it and folded it to a neat square and put it as a pillow for Carlos's head. She checked him and nods.

"You should have called sooner! If the seizure lasts more that 5 minutes, you needed to inform me!" She stood and and gets in Isaac's face.

"Well, if you would've answered when we called you, maybe it wouldn't have took more than 5 minutes, Julian chimes in.

"I was doing my business! A girl gotta poo!" She looks at Julian.

"Well thank you Emery for helping," Isaac said.

"It's my pleasure. I don't want to see little Carlos here suffer," she smiled. Emery went to her bag that she cane with and write down something in a small notebook. She ripped the page off and gave it to Isaac.

"This is the anticonvulsant medication he will need to help manage his seizures. It is the first time he has had one, but he still had to take it regularly, you got that. Don't forget to give it to him since I know he is forgetful and that some of you are also forgetful. For a bunch of criminals, you are sure forgetful," Emery says.

"And for a doctor you sure take your sweet time answering emergency calls," William comes in.

"My bad but at least I came and took care of him. Do not give him any other medicine than that or give him less or more than I tell you," she informs them.

"What else?" Isaac asks.

"No alcohol. Put them hidden from him. Soy feed him until he's aware of his surroundings. Talk to him softly," she said. Isaac nodded.

"Can't thank you enough," Isaac gives her a soft smile and she nods.

"I'll be going. Take care," she leaves and the house got quiet. The girl that I haven't been introduced to yet went closer, but not to close, to Carlos's body, which has steady breathing now, and started to talk to him softly as Emery said.

"Don't worry, everything is okay. You're not in critical condition. Good thing Eric and Julian saved you from falling. That all get you injuries," she calmly said.

"You can read the rest of the rules on your own. Later I'll call you in again to discuss another thing," Isaac turns to me. I nodded and looked around. Mostly everyone started to do their own thing, like nothing happened. What the heck?!

"Can I get the paper at your office? I sort of left it their as I was rushing to you guys," I asked. He nodded.

"Go, then start reading them," Isaac agrees. I left and went to the office. Yes I did have some trouble finding it but I soon reached the office and got the paper from the chair was sitting on. After that I went straight to my new room. I sat in the noisy bed and started to read then to myself. They talked about drugs and being sick, etc. Some things were not easy to understand, I'll ask one of the three to explain it to me later. As I was going to lay down if the bed, I hear two knocks on the bedroom door.

"Rose, can I come in?"

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