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Rose's POV

"Rose, can I come in?" I hear someone outside my door say.

"I don't know, can you?" I tease, saying a joke I heard my father said to my brother.

"I'm coming in either you want me to or not," the person says and opens the door to reveal a shirtless Julian. My face started to heat up a bit but tried to calm myself down before he notices my flushed face.

"Why are you here?" I ask him as he payed himself down my bed.

"Well, Carlos usually is the one to keep me company but since he's in a bad state right now, might as well hang with you," he replied.

"In other words, you're bored and I'm your only option left," I raised my eyebrow at him teasingly.

"...Yeah..." he hesitated.

"What about Haily, the other girl, anyone?" I asked.

"You don't want me here?" He said and he placed his hand on his chest as he was offended.

"I'm not saying that. But there is like 7 people in this house and you can't bother none of them?" I said.

"Well, William and Isaac are usually busy and if they aren't they are drinking or sleeping. Mia is too scary to mess with. Haily is taking care of Carlos, Eric is a nerd, Jackie is way to hyper like Carlos but it's not the same. Nancy is boring," he responds.

"How do you know I'm not boring or weird?" I ask.

"Something tells me you aren't," he smiles. Fuck, that smile can kill. How am I not dead already?

"So... what do you want to talk about since you're the one who came here," I said awkwardly, moving my legs on the floor. He sat up and put in a thinking face.

"Why did you hate Prince James?"

"Oh my God, where to start," I scoffed.

"He seems nice out in public and in the party he looked like he'll be a caring husband," he said.

"It's all an act. Every one that has royalty blood in them has to put up an act to make them look good and their family to look good. I'm guilty of that," I said as I look at the ground. Then I hear some shuffling then felt a dip next to me.

"Okay then, but why do you hate him?" He asks. I felt his stare on the back of my head.

"When we first met, we were pretty 'fond' of each other that night. But later on he turned to be abusive towards me. An to that day, we both hate each other. More like I hate him since I'm unaware of how he feels," I explained as I turn my head to look at the man.

"What do you mean by abusive? And why haven't you told anyone about it?" He asks.

"Remember the party?" I say. He nods.

"When he took me from you, he lead me to a small room and pushed me hard to the wall. That's just one example though. Anytime there is an event and both out families are there, he somehow can get us alone and he either has me pinned me up against a wall while spitting at me, choking me until I say sorry for the day we met, or hitting me," I blurt out.

"But what haven't it told anyone?" He asks with a tint of anger on his face. Does he not believe me? Of course not, he only just met me two nights ago.

"I have, but of course no one will believe me. You even said it, he seems all nice and amiable. Everyone believes that's the real him. But I know what he truly is. I know what he truly thinks, truly does, and truly says. There are only two other people that believe me but that's my brothers but what's the point if 97% of the population thinks he's charming," I said, almost yelling. Julian stares as I breath hard after venting out to him. Getting angry gets me all fired up and can make me lose my breath. Being angry should be a work out, I can lose so many calories just by yelling about how James is a pompous cockroach who needs to be stepped on.

"I-I'm sorry for that. I didn't try to get yo-" I interrupt him.

"It's okay, no need for apologizing," I calmed down. We sat there in silence. I looked back down to my shoes. As Julian began to talk, we hear a knock on the door. Our heads both looked at the door as it opened.

"Rose, you are needed at the office again," William sticks his head out to see us. I nod and stood up to walk towards the door.

Daniel's POV

The whole castle is in panic mode. No one can come in the castle nor com spur the castle, unless if you're a knight. But they have to be checked to make sure they aren't hiding anything. My parents are in the library they have here and just sitting in the furniture holding a book as if they were reading. We all know they are not reading, they are trying to disguise the hurt they are feeling at this moment.

Sebastian is not holding on so well. Rose and him were really close compared to Rose and I. I'm not saying we don't get along but if she had any troubles, she'll run to him first. They are both the youngest so yeah.

Sebastian somehow got into the alcohol cabinet in one of the bars here in the Smith's castle. He's a light weight so it wasn't that long to get him wasted. I helped him up to his room to not get him caught. God knows what will happen if he gets caught by our parents or James's parents big he crashed the alcohol cabinet. It's not that he isn't allowed, it's just that we both don't drink excessively. We aren't allowed until we reach an age where all adults can be fine by it. I don't remember which age, but my father will tell us when we reach it.

I miss my little sister so much right now. It hurts to know she's gone. Not in the sense that she's dead, which I don't even know if she is since we have no trace of her. She is out of reach right now and it drives the whole family insane. One clue that can lead us towards her is that the thieves that we caught on the ball also disappeared from the cell the same time we found out that Rose was gone. These questions remain in my head.
Is she with them?
Did she get them out?
If so, how did she get them out?
If not, how did they escape?
Did they kidnap her while they fled the castle?

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