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One week later

Rose's POV

"Is everyone ready?"

Isaac turns from the driver's seat as he looks back when Mia entered the car. She nods and Isaac turns back to look forward at the road. He turned the car on and went to the road. I turn back to see Eric closing the garage.

"You ready?" Mia asks as the wind blows her hair to her face. I giggle at her covered face and answer by moving my hand from side to side. Indicating that I'm more or less ready.

"You'll do fine," she turns to the window.

The trip was long and quiet. Maybe some small talk but mostly it was just the faint radio that Isaac put to not make the whole car ride quiet.

At this time of the trip, I don't see any houses or businesses. No roads just dried up grass and some sandy patches. It looked like we're in a middle of nowhere. But then I see from afar a small cottage of some sort. When we got closer to it, the larger it became and revealed a large country house. Isaac drove into this lot and parked the car. William gets out first, then everyone gets out. I take a deep breath and look around me. There was nothing but trees and grass which is not dried up like a couple miles ago. I turn to the others, getting the bags from the trunk.

"Rose, we're not your butlers, carry your own bag," William says as he drops my bag in front of me. He walks away to get his bag and closes the trunk. I stayed silent and carried my bag, which was no problem with me. Once everyone had their personal belongings, Isaac walks to the large house. We followed him, looking around at the nature around me. When I hear 'Training Grounds' I do not see this. I see the small cottage and a large area to train in.

Isaac takes out a bundle of keys and shuffled through them. Once he finds the keg he needs, he opens the door. For a house like this, it should be looking nice in the inside, right?

Well, this one is not.

The living room has broken recliners, sofas, the tv was squished like it was clay. We walked inside more and I see that the walls had holes, the kitchen has broken plates all over. The sight of this makes me feel not safe at all.

I follow the group upstairs where it's not as run down as the downstairs. But it does not smell great though. I can feel the vomit coming up, but I don't want Isaac or William get a bad image of me. They already see me as weak and I can see their gaze that they're judging me. Also, I don't want to make a fool out of myself in front of Julian.

"Okay, each guy will have their own room and Mia will sleep with Rose," Isaac says as we stop at the end of the hallway. Mia gives him a thumbs up and opens a door. The room looked... tidy enough. It looks like the maids' rooms that we have at my castle. The bed is made and clean. Just some cobwebs and some dust piling up on some counters. It only had one bed, which could fit the both of us.

"I don't recommend unpacking just yet. Anything can be in the drawers, you never know," she says as she drops her bag on the floor. Mia squats down to her bag and rummages through it and takes out a pair of gloves. She puts them on and opens the drawers.

"Ah ha! That's what I mean," she asked out a brown paper bag. I look at her confused as I walk towards her. She shows me the inside and I see lots of money and some unknown substances.

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