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His finger pulls the trigger and after that, it was a blur. I just hear the loud sound of the gunshot and yelling. Then it fell quiet.

Rose's POV

My heart has never thumped so fast, I swear it can come off my chest right now. Why couldn't she just promise him? Is she crazy?! She's working for criminals and here she is thinking she just talk back to them?!

The atmosphere is intense. Isaac still had the pistol in his hand, pointing it to the ground. Julian stood there with a shocked expression. William and Mia slowly went up to the scene. I, who was a few inches away from this crazy lady, just stood where it was. Even if the shot was fired, I didn't move a centimeter. I was so frightened, my brain wouldn't tell my body to move. Like a deer who crosses the street, just watching the lights of the vehicles.

"What's wrong with you?!" Mia goes next to Isaac, him not looking back at her.

"It's the only way," he replies with no emotion in his face.

"Now Herbert is gonna ask what happened. I saw a note he's coming here in two days," William comes in, giving Isaac the note he found.


"It's not like I killed anyone," Isaac crumples the note with the hand he's not holding the gun. He looks to the hole he created when he turned his aim of the gun away from the lady and I. I look down at the squatted, shivering woman. Her hands holding her head. I take a few steps closer to the group, feeling weird just being there next to her.

"Yeah, but you've wasted a bullet and could scare the lady away from this place. Herbert will be so pissed off," Mia gets in front of him.

"He doesn't scare me," Isaac scoffs.

Who's this Herbert?

"Bu-" she gets interrupted.

"Get your dinner, I still have some business to take care off," he says. Mia looks and William and Julian. They shrugged and went inside a room to get their food. Mia grabbed my arm and pulled me with her.

"Now, do you promise you'll keep it to yourself?" I hear Isaac's voice. Then there was a couple of seconds of silence, then he spoke again.


After that, I hear footsteps coming towards us. I shook my head and focused on getting my dinner. Julian passed me a tray and Mia served me the food. Once I got everything that Mia put in my tray, I followed the group to the bench we were sitting on. The lady was cleaning the floor where the bullet hole was. Since the wall broke, it did leave some pieces on the floor.

"So Herbert is coming in two days?" Isaac says as he cuts his bread into morsels. He takes it and bites it.

"That's what the note said," William said, as he twirled his fork on his plate.

"He rarely comes here," Julian comes into their conversation.

"He's the owner here, he just checks in when something personal happens to him," Isaac cuts the chickens into sections.

"What would've happened to him now?" Mia takes a bite out of the baked potato.

I just listened to the conversation, which I don't really comprehend. This stranger to me called Herbert runs this place, only comes when he can't handle his personal problems. Since I don't know anything, I just take small bites into my food. I feel I will get ill if I take mouthfuls of this food. My mind goes elsewhere, I guess I was staring at nothing for a long time. But I get back to reality when someone interrupts my thoughts.

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