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Rose's POV

The day passed as it's already night time. I ate dinner and Haily brought me a tooth brush and pajamas. She told me I'll be sharing shampoo, conditioner, soap, and toothpaste with the girls.

I look at the clock and I see that it's almost time to go to sleep. So I got up from the bed and went to brush my teeth and change into the pajamas, which looks like what my grandma wears. Just less expensive... waaay less expansive. But I'm not complaining, it's actually quite comfortable.
Just watch me get a rash.

I go to my room and lock the door. In rule #8 says I have to lock, in case an intruder comes in. That makes me feel soooo safe.
Dumb Rose, of course you won't feel safe. You're living with a gang.
Dumb Rose, dumb.

I lay in bed and struggled to fall asleep. It drives me crazy that I close my eyes, thinking I fell asleep for maybe an hour, but when I wake up, it's only been like about 2 min. It's so hard to be comfortable in a broken bed that squeaks every time you move.

It takes me about half an hour and a sacrifice to God to fall asleep. I need to try to fix this bed. Maybe they have some tools around here, and maybe someone can help me fix it.

Time Skip~

Finally it's morning. Normally birds will be chirping, maids will come in to bathe me and helping me get to eat breakfast. But I wake up to loud banging coming from the hallway. I groaned and laid on my stomach and put my hand over my ears to tune out the noise. Then I hear like someone trying to open the door, but the sound was faint.

"Rose! Wake up!" I hear Jackie yell. I groaned in annoyance and stood up to unlock the door. My eyes went directly to the pot she held with one hand and a wooden spoon with the other. J have found the mysterious banging.

"How did you sleep?" She smiled. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Then gave her a soft but fake smile.

"Great," I responded.

"Let's go down to eat breakfast," She motioned me to follow her as her back was facing me.

"Don't I have to get ready?" I asked.

"You'll get ready after we eat. Isaac will get pretty upset if you're late," Jackie responded. I shrugged and followed her.

We reached the kitchen and I sat myself down next to Mia and an empty chair. I looked around and I see that not everyone is here. Haily passes the plates, cups, and utensils like she usually does. Then we hear some footsteps coming towards the kitchen. I turn to look at Isaac, William, and Julian. Julian had his hand sliding through his bed hair, making my face get hot. I turn away to calm myself down and I do not want anyone noticing my light pink cheeks. As I looked at my utensils that were neatly placed, thanks to me, I see in the corner of my eye that Julian sat himself down next to me. He was also shirtless and I can see his muscles. I'm trying not to look at him and he plopped himself next to me.


Haily and Nancy, which she hasn't spoke to me or introduced to me, started to serve us the food. They sat down in their seats and we all started to eat. Everyone had small talk here and there, but no long conversations since we are all stuffing our faces with food. We all finished and Haily started to pick up the dirty dishes and started washing them.

"Rose," I hear someone call me. My head turns to the voice which was Isaac.

"Since you have started living here with nothing, we are generous to take you out to get clothes or anything," Isaac continues.

"Eric and I will take you out to these places to get what you want," Julian pops out. I nodded in agreement.

"Jackie, lend her some of your clothes for today. She's going out and we don't want her to go out with the prestige clothes she came with. We can't make it obvious since the whole kingdom is in search mode," Isaac yells. She nods and latched my arm with hers.

"Let's see what'll fit you," she says as she drags me to her room.

Jackie lended me a checkered buttoned up and a black tea length skirt.

"Now that'll hide your identity," she smirks and gives me a thumbs up. I giggled at her actions and went to where the 'front door' is. Julian and Eric were already waiting for me. Julian was leaning on the car and Eric was just fooling around with a typewriter. Julian looks up to me and opened the door for me in the back of the car. I thanked him and got in. Then Julian enter the car and turned it on. Eric opened the door to let the car out. Julian drove forward and stopped. I look behind me and see Eric closing the garage door and jogging to get inside the car. As soon as he got inside, Julian started to drive again.

"Isaac is going to the Hidden Training Grounds next week, do you know who's going?" Eric said as he had his arm out the car.

"For sure William and Mia are going. And Rose as well. He will tell us a day or two before who else will be going," Julian answers. Eric nods and turns to me.

"Are you excited to train?" Eric asks. I shrugged.

"I'm more nervous that excited. I never held a gun or any sort of weapon. I'd scissors count and knives to cut butter and steaks, then I only held three 'weapons'" I joked. Both men started to chuckle.

"That's exactly why you're going there. You gotta learn how to protect yourself since we do many crimes,"

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