13. Hurts Like Hell

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I kept re-reading the same sentence from my book again and again. Memories and thoughts kept my mind busy.

I was afraid.

Not fear for myself, but for Zack and Mario.

I still have no idea what Silas would do if he knew about Zack.

John Tasarov ordered his bodyguards and decided to drop me at my house. Sometimes, I wonder how Damon is like this. His father is caring and so passionate for his child, but they are nothing alike.

John always treated me like a person, like a daughter. Silas would never speak to me like that, for him, I was a pawn. Deep inside, I envied Damon for having a father like John.

Although, what if it was a mask that he was wearing? I couldn't know for sure, I just saw what was in front of me.

My thoughts were interrupted when a light knock came from the door.

I stood up and fear started crawling inside of me, but I took a deep breath.

When I opened the door, there were two individuals that I knew.

The bodyguard named Olly said, "Ma'am, we must go."

I couldn't contain myself, "Why? What happened?"

The bodyguard, Terry, looked at Olly like they were communicating with their eyes.

Terry turned around and said, "Ma'am, a situation has come up. We cannot tell you, but I am sure your father will explain."

John's bodyguards looked in a hurry as they were explaining to me. I looked at them both again and saw how young they were, maybe a few years older than Mario. 

I still couldn't understand how anyone chose this life, although, I had chosen to stay in this life with Zack, as well.


I smiled warmly at them and said, "Okay, both of you be careful."

They smiled back and nodded.

I saw them getting into the car and drive, while I was thinking on how easy it was to admit that I wanted something. Always when I wanted something, I would back away, but when it came to Zack, I wanted it all.

Was I too selfish?

I shook those thoughts for now and closed the door.

However, as soon as I was closing the door, five fingers wrapped in white fabric appeared at the door frame. 

The person pushed the door further with a force that my gaze turned, and I balanced myself against a wall.

My eyes shifted to the door only to find a man covered with blood stains in his collar bone and shirt. His ragged breathing was the only sound surrounding the area and my eyes almost bulged out.

Fear started to surround the small space as I stared at him. I couldn't find myself looking away from him as he stood there with all the fury.

He took a step ahead, and instantly I began backing away.

Damon's hard voice surrounded the walls, "You. You did this."

Another step ahead, another step back.

I tried, "I—I--"

Damon again spoke louder, repeating, "Because of you. You did this"

My back touched the wall and in a swift motion, Damon was in front of me wrapping his damaged hand in my hair. He pulled it forcefully and the pain was unbearable to feel that small tears threatened to fall, but I contained myself.

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