Mewberty and Puberty

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This could've been a normal Monday morning and Echo Creek.

Instead, it was met with the chaos of Aurora Butterfly-Diaz and her two best friends.

"omigodomigodomigodohmigod thisisveryverybad!" Aurora sat in her first-period chair before school, frantically kneading her hair and squealing ever time she spotted a sun pop up on her body.

"What?" asked Sam.

"Can you tell us again why you have little suns all over your face?" Ally asked.

"Mewberty!" Aurora screeched.

"What's mewberty?" Sam picked up a fallen sun, and turned it this way and that, inspecting it.

"Its like puberty, for you guys. Also, Sam, it gets bad for you boys. So you need to run. Run far far away." Aurora groaned as 4 more suns appeared on her cheek. She angled the mirror and plucked them off.

 "Ew." Sam dropped the sun. "Wait I hafta leave?"

"What's gonna happen?" Ally asked, helping Aurora pluck off more suns.

"Well, basically, I'm gonna turn into a butterfly. An-"

"EVERY GIRL'S DREAM!" Ally spun. "A BUTTERFLY AH SO COOL. Sam, didn't you hear? Rory told you to run!" Ally began pushing him towards the door.

"Well, I don't know if I should..."

"boys? boy? Sam is a boy ;)" Aurora leaned over and began to wobbly walk over to Sam. Sam turned to her, and, in a look of pure horror, ran out and slammed the door of their homeroom.

Ally then locked the door from the inside.

"Okay," she said, *fake* dusting her hands off. "What now, butterfly princess?"

Aurora shook her head and looked around, seemingly unaware of what she was turning into for a moment. "Can you get Amanda? She'll know what to do. I will call Mom and Dad."

"Deal!" Ally high-fived Aurora and then climbed out the window to run to the middle school.

Meanwhile, Aurora flicked out her phone and dialed her mother. Star didn't answer.

So Aurora dialed her father. Marco answered on the first ring. 

"Rory! How are you?" Aurora expertly hid the yellow suns sprouting up on her face with a brush of her hair. 

"Hey Dad! Is Mom home?" Aurora shifted her right shoulder out of view as another few suns popped out.

"Sorry, she's not. Do you want me to take the message?" Marco dodged a racing Elizabeth and a screaming Cressida. Luna trailed behind, watering can in hand and her gardening stuff on; laughing at her sister's shenanigans.

"Whoya talkin' to?" Luna asked, coming over.

Aurora quickly peeled some stars off of her face as the camera shifted. "Hey Luna! Gonna tend to your roses?"

"You know it! How's school? I don't see anybody?"

"HaHAhA, yeahhhhh it hasn't exactly started yet! Tell Cressie and Liz I say hi!"

"Okayyy, fine. Bye Rory!" The camera panned back to Marco, who's face went from "normal" dad face to worried dad face.

"Aurora? What's that on your nose?" Marco squinted and moved closer to the phone.

"HuH? Oh NoThIng!" Aurora stuttered, peeling the sun off of her nose.

Except it didn't come off.

"Aurora?" Marco frowned. "What is going on?"

"Uh, um, I was just, um doodling, and then um-" Out of the corner of her eye, Aurora noticed the swim team walking outside the conveniently open window, dressed only in Speedos.

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