Letters and Spells

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Aurora woke up to her wand glowing gently next to her. Confused, she reached out to grab it. But Aurora noticed a different thing seconds before her hand grasped the wand.

The sun was rising.

She got up and went over to the mirror.

Her cheeks glowed softly with the wand and the orange-yellow sky.

Aurora got the wand and turned it out towards the sun. The wand pulsed brighter, and so did her cheeks.

"The sun glows, I glow, hmm,"

She pointed the wand at a nearbye streetlamp that was off.


The lamp flickered and switched on.

Aurora pumped her fists into the air.

"Yes yes yes!"

Suddenly, a dimensional hole ripped through her bedroom, and along with it, a dump of letters.

Aurora went over to them and rifled through. 

Katerina, Cressida, Elizabeth, Luna, Mom, Dad, Ponyhead, and Julianna.

Aurora smiled and opened them.


{See if that works. If not, tell me in the Comments}

Aurora wondered what exactly was happening. To make her parents more flustered with their job then usual, it must be more than just Monster revolts and such. Aurora folded the letters and tucked them under her pillow.

She got up and grabbed the bag of Cressida's cookies off the ground. 7 shortbread-like cookies in assorted shapes. Not real shapes of course. Cressida couldn't design food to save her life. But what she lacked in that area she made up for in music and style and actually making the food.

Aurora took a less lumpy one and ate it. She would have to save the rest for Amanda when she awoke. 

Later that Day

Aurora and Amanda were home after a long day at school. They were both very uneager to begin their homework and so they sat at the kitchen table, head in hands, doodling on the papers.


The front door slammed open.

The girls scrambled up out of their chairs and held their hands out in combative stance. Aurora with her wand, and Amanda with her fists.

However they relaxed when the figures turned out to be Ally and Sam.

"Hey guys!" Aurora got up and hugged them. 

"Hey Amanda!" (sam)

"Hey Amandy!"  (Ally) - "{dont call me that}"

Sam and Amanda did a seemingly complicated handshake and Ally and her exchanged a faux kiss on both cheeks.

Aurora settled back into her chair with a slow sigh. "Why'd you guys come?"

Ally laughed. It was a startling sound, and to top it off she snorts while she does it too.

"We are here to help you practice magic, silly! Sam thought it would be cool if we could help you do some spells!"

Aurora scratched her head. "But you guys are humans."

"Well," Sam sat a notebook down onto the table. "That just means we can't do the spells ourselves! But we can make them up and you can do them."

Ally and Sam nodded to each other.

Amanda shot up from the table. "Can I help too!!!"

"Of course!" Ally smiled at her as she leafed through the black and white composition book.

Outside, the kids gathered in a circle and layed the book in the middle.

"Okay, the first step I found was that we should try linking a favorite food to make a spell. Aurora, what's your favorite food?" Ally flipped to a page and Aurora noticed that amongst a couple words and numbers, it was all just doodles of her with a wand. Aurora smirked.

"Sunflower seeds,"

"Kay, now we need a weapon."

"Grenades!" Amanda practically screamed.

"Okay," Sam scribbled something down onto the notebook and then pointed to Aurora's wand. "Say it."

Aurora got up and pointed her wand away from her sister and friends.

"okay, uhm, Sunflower Seed Grenades!"

A blast of light accompanied with lots of small black things shot out of the wand. At impact, they exploded into multiple bursts of fire.

"Cool!" Amanda clapped. "More! Lets try, .... SPARKLE DRAGON uhm..."

"FIREWORKS!!" Sam high fived Amanda. 

"Sparkle Dragon Fireworks!" Aurora yelled out.

A large bright dragon zoomed out of the wand and raced around the yard. Tagging along with it and shooting out of its mouth came yellow firework bursts.

They all clapped.

Idk how to end this chapter guys I may update it later but I can't sry

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