Part 1 of the Plan

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After a full day of Earth schooling, Aurora was exhausted. And to top it all off, she wasn't able to retrieve her phone. On the bus back home, she consulted with her new friends.

Ally and Sam both agreed that she should steal it back.

Aurora did not agree to this. Stealing was more of an Elizabethian task. In her home, Cressida would make the plan, (if she deemed the stealing was for the good of mewmankind) and Elizabeth would try and follow the plan to her best ability for stealing whatever it was (usually food. Cressida was okay with stealing if it was food).

Amanda was not into stealing. Especially from Teachers. And Aurora, well, she did want her phone...

The bus chugged to her stop and opened the doors with a goosh of suction. She said goodbye and her and Amanda got off the bus.

"Hey Amanda," Aurora started, looking anywhere but at her. "I need help."

"What kind of help?" Amanda slung her backpack onto the table. 

"Well, I kindof got my phone taken away today when I called Mom. And I need to get it back..."

"Yeah no. I have geometry homework. Cant help ya." Amanda extracted a wad of papers from her bag. "But, I do know someone or someones that could assist you!"

"Really?" Aurora pulled out her homework too and stared at it.

"Yeah. We just need your scissors. deal?"

"Okay, I guess. Why?"

Amanda was already halfway up the stairwell with her scissors in hand. "FOLLOW MEeeeee! I'll tell you later!"

Aurora got up slowly, still confused, but glad at least someone knew how to help her.

Aurora: The Princess of  Another DimensionWhere stories live. Discover now