Mewni's Queen

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In the castle, Star and Marco were freaking out.

They had good reason to, too, because of the three girls that had stayed on Mewni, all three were gone.

"STAR FOR THE LAST TIME I DON'T KNOW WHERE THEY ARE!" Marco had yelled at her for the fifth time. At least this time he shook her.

Star straightened. "Oh Marco, I'm so sorry I really am I'm just stressed about the monsters that have been revolting and then the townsfolk that have been refusing people service as well as that fight that's been happening by the border of Lava Lake Beach and I just have no idea where the girls went and I want them to be safe!" She folded into her husband with an oof. "I am so tired."

Marco hugged her tightly, kissed her on the cheek and straightened. "Okay, I have a plan, my queen."

Star grew hopeful. "You do? Oh thank you Marco!"

"I'll find the girls. I have no doubt that they probably went to cause mayhem somewhere, and given they've only been gone a day, it shouldn't be so hard. You go lend your hand to the fight down at Lava Lake, try to stop the fighting."

Star nodded and pecked Marco on the cheek. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

Marco laughed. "We certainly wouldn't be here. With five beautiful growing girls, that's for sure."

Star giggled and blushed. "True. Just think if you had married Jackie."

"What's wrong with Jackie?"

"You'd probably end up having a kid with blue hair and a skateboard."

Marco kissed her nose. "And we'd name him something like Jam. I married you though."

"Of course you did." Star kissed him back. "Let's go find our girls."


Star pulled away and began twisting her hair into a braid, a faint memory of her mother doing the same thing to get ready for battle twinging her heart with sadness. The late Queen Moon would've fought for equality...wouldn't she have? Star frowned. She would not think about any of that now.

Marco snatched his dimensional scissors and ripped open a portal. "Since your scissors were stolen, you may pass using mine, M'lady."

Star smirked and stepped through the portal. "Of course, now, be safe and find them. We'll meet up later." Star grabbed his shirt and kissed him, then popped through the portal with a flourish.

Marco opened a second portal leading to Ponyheads home. "Better check here first."

The first thing Star noticed upon arriving in Lava Lake Beach was the absence of striking volcanic beauty and the merging races of Mewni. Usually, there was a calm sort of aura over the whole area and people picnicking and such, but today monsters cast glares in the directions of Mewmans and already a slew of people were fighting. Star ran over to them and joined the battle, spouting words of wisdom/peace treaties all the while trying to support both sides.


Star stopped for a moment and turned, twisting a piece of blonde hair behind her ear. "Tom?"

Tom and Star hugged each other.

"What are you doing here?" Tom asked casually.

The monsters noticed their leaders had stopped fighting and paused for a moment, watching.

"Well, I'm trying to calm the riot, obviously." Star glimpsed the paused monsters.

"You're trying to calm the fighting by ... fighting?" Tom raised eyebrows questionably.

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